Ten families celebrated in Krasnoflotsky rayon Khabarovsk

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the Action became already traditional in the territory zhilmassiva (PHOTO).

the fifth year in Krasnoflotsky rayon in Severny park in the Palace of celebrations at the initiative of the Khabarovsk regional office "VSEROSSIYSKOYE ASSOCIATION OKHRANY PAMYATNIKOV ISTORII I KULTURY" and Krasnoflotsky female Council with support of committee on management Krasnoflotsky rayon Administration of Khabarovsk spend a family holiday "Love and appreciate happiness, it is born in a family" on which celebrate anniversary married couples which lived long and happy life in love and a consent from 1 year to 60 years. This year to the Palace of celebrations 10 families were invited, reports "The open city".

of Couple Legislative Duma of Khabarovsk Territory Belova Irina, deputies Khabarovsk City Council Mshvildadze Alexander, Ivanov Maxime, representatives of Orthodox Church, the Priest of the temple Saint Sarovsky Serafim - the father Sergy congratulated the deputy.

With greeting words the vice-chairman of committee on social problems addressed to the present. The chairman of the Khabarovsk city Union of women Korovina Albina handed over to all honourable families Letters of thanks for active living position and a personal contribution to revival and development of the best family traditions of the city Khabarovsk.

the Most honourable married couple from invited was Vasilyev' family which in May, 2017 celebrated a diamond wedding – 60 years of joint life. On big heat and geniality congratulated also gold heroes of the anniversary: families Skidan and Danchich who lived in marriage of 50 years.

Grushevsky' Family deserves special gratitude and appreciation, after all in their family eight children are brought up.

- Such married couples are keepers of historical memory and culture, an example for youth a source of love, respect, solidarity and harmony of a long matrimony, - note in committee.

In holiday end traditionally let out in the sky of pigeons – a symbol of the world and this the honor was done the most young married couple – Rayevsky' family.


Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk
Ten families celebrated in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk