The actress brought the former wife Alexander Domogarov to a hysterics
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The former spouse of the actor Alexander Domogarov Gromushkina Natalia gave interview in which told about work and private life. The actress told as a star of series "My Great Nurse" Olga Prokofyev brought it to a hysterics the gift. Gromushkina Natalia not only manages to play at theater, to act in at film, to bring up the 12-year-old son Gordey and the four-year-old daughter Iliana, but also gives master classes. The actress directly declares to students that "an actor's profession – pleasure for rich"...
Alexander Domogarov
Last position: Actor
Olga Prokofyev
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater named after Vl. Mayakovskogo")
Ilya Obolonkov
Last position: Actor
Gromushkina Natalia
Aryaeva Natalia