"The best beekeeper" region will define on July 12

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According to the resolution Government of Moscow region of 11.11.2016 No. 851/41 "About the organization of carrying out the Moscow regional (regional) stage the All-Russian professional skill "The best by profession" for increase of prestige of working professions, distribution of achievements and the best practices of workers, attraction of youth for training and employment on working professions is annually carried out to Moscow region professional skill "The best by profession" on the nominations approved by Ministry work and social protection of the Russian Federation.

ADMINISTRATION GORODSKOGO OKRUGA OZYORY together with the Ministry of social development Moscow region reports that the regional stage in the nomination "The Best Beekeeper" will take place on July 12, 2017 in the Zaraysky municipal area Moscow region.

the Winner of a regional stage will be recommended to

for participation in a federal stage which will take place on August 15-17, 2017 in Republic of Bashkortostan, the city to Ufa.

the Application for participation in need to be directed till July 11, 2017 to the Moscow regional commission on carrying out on the e-mail address zarprof@yandex .ru, and also to Ministry of Social Welfare of Moscow region on the e-mail address panovaes@mosreg. . . .

Detailed information and the list of declarative documents are published by

on the website Ministerstva:htpp://msr.mosreg.ru/Documents / Competitions in the social and labor sphere / the Moscow regional stage the All-Russian professional skill "The best by profession" in the nomination "The Best Beekeeper".