Ludmila Bolataeva Last position: Minister (MINISTRY OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOSCOW REGION)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreAll in the region is lived by more than 1,6 million children. We do not disregard also the inhabitants having disability, pensioners. For these categories preferential permits, ZhKU compensations, social cards, a sotsobsluzhivaniye and other measures] are provideAll in the region is lived by more than 1,6 million children. We do not disregard also the inhabitants having disability, pensioners. For these categories preferential permits, ZhKU compensations, social cards, a sotsobsluzhivaniye and other measures] are provide12/15/2023Новости КраснознаменскаFor families in the region seven federal measures work. We carry a maternity capital, a universal grant to them for families with the low income, payment on repayment of a mortgage and another12/18/2023Знамя трудаFor families in the region seven federal measures work. We carry a maternity capital, a universal grant to them for families with the low income, payment on repayment of a mortgage and anotherFor families in the region seven federal measures work. We carry a maternity capital, a universal grant to them for families with the low income, payment on repayment of a mortgage and another12/16/2023Люберецкая панорамаAll in the region is lived by more than 1,6 million children. We do not disregard also the inhabitants having disability, pensioners. For these categories preferential permits, ZhKU compensations, social cards, a sotsobsluzhivaniye and other measures] are provideAll in the region is lived by more than 1,6 million children. We do not disregard also the inhabitants having disability, pensioners. For these categories preferential permits, ZhKU compensations, social cards, a sotsobsluzhivaniye and other measures] are provide12/15/2023Новости КраснознаменскаFor families in the region seven federal measures work. We carry a maternity capital, a universal grant to them for families with the low income, payment on repayment of a mortgage and another12/18/2023Знамя трудаFor families in the region seven federal measures work. We carry a maternity capital, a universal grant to them for families with the low income, payment on repayment of a mortgage and anotherFor families in the region seven federal measures work. We carry a maternity capital, a universal grant to them for families with the low income, payment on repayment of a mortgage and another12/16/2023Люберецкая панорамаAll in the region is lived by more than 1,6 million children. We do not disregard also the inhabitants having disability, pensioners. For these categories preferential permits, ZhKU compensations, social cards, a sotsobsluzhivaniye and other measures] are provideAll in the region is lived by more than 1,6 million children. We do not disregard also the inhabitants having disability, pensioners. For these categories preferential permits, ZhKU compensations, social cards, a sotsobsluzhivaniye and other measures] are provide12/15/2023Новости Краснознаменска12372Related events+17 last weekMinisterMINISTRY OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOSCOW REGION0Media ScoreMinisterMINISTRY OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOSCOW REGION48years oldBorn1976MoscowRelationship status: no data53Connections+15 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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