VKKS will define destiny of 39 arbitration judges

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VKKS will define destiny of 39 arbitration judges

the Highest kvalifkollegiya of judges published preliminary the agenda the July session. On Tuesday, July 11, VKKS it is necessary to consider statements of applicants for 12 senior positions, and also on 20 judicial rates in arbitration courts.

Eighth Arbitration appeal court apply For a position of the chairman the deputy chairman of the same arbitration Kliver Eugenie . It already proposed the candidate for this place for May BKKC (see" VKKS will carry out castling in the management of arbitration "). the Rate of chapter was released after in December of the 2016th Litvintseva Ludmila , heading the Omsk appeal since 2006 retired .

For a place of the chairman Thirteenth Arbitration Court of Appeals will overcome three candidates – the chairman Arbitration court of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region with Izotova Svetlana , the deputy chairman the EXPERT of East Siberian federal district Tumanov Wladyslaw and the judge the EXPERT North-West District Tarasyuk Yvan . Now powers of the chairman of arbitration are executed temporarily by the deputy chairman Anosova Natalia . In August of the 2016th expired a term of office Zheltyannikov Vladimir which directed within 12 years (earlier, in May of the same year, he received the recommendation to a position of the chairman Arbitral tribunal of the Kaliningrad region – see" VKKS approved 12 applicants for posts of chairmen and deputy chairmen in arbitration ").

the Recommendation to a position of the chairman Fifteenth arbitration appeal court want to receive the deputy chairman of the same Avdonina Olga and the chairman Sixteenth arbitration appeal court Alexander Milkov (its powers expire in October of this year). The second term of office of the present head Fifteenth arbitration appeal court Vyacheslav Alexandrov comes to an end at the end of July.

Tsvetkov Sergei , the deputy chairman Arbitral tribunal of the Kostroma region , asks to recommend it for a position of the chairman of "the" arbitration, and Drachen Artem , the chairman Arbitral tribunal of the Novgorod region , – to renominate it to the new term (its powers at this position expire at the end of July).

should elect the chairman From three applicants of VKKS Arbitration court of Saratov region Baybakov Alexander , holding this position, in March retired ). For the Zavodskoy settlement district court of the Saratov city of the Saratov region Chernyshov Andrey (it appointed to this position in 2015) and the deputy chairman Arbitration court of the Republic of Tatarstan Goryabin Aleksey (held this position in the 2014th) the chairman Arbitral tribunal of the Republic of Mordovia Korovkin Vyacheslav (the term of its powers expires this year), the chairman .


the Chair of the vice-president in "the" arbitration Third arbitration appeal court , and Koshcheeva Maria , the judge want to occupy Bandurov Dimitri , the judge the EXPERT of East Siberian federal district , Butina Irina , the judge Seventeenth arbitration appeal court . And Palagesha Galina , the deputy chairman Fifth arbitration appeal court asks pereneznachit it for new term. Moskalenko Yvan , the judge Arbitral tribunal of the Amur region , applies for the post of the deputy chairman Arbitral tribunal of the Khabarovsk Territory . For a place of the deputy chairman Arbitration court of the Republic of Bashkortostan two judges of the same arbitration – Davletkulova Gulchachak and Kutlugallyamov Rishat , and also the chairman Sterlibashevo district court of the Republic of Bashkortostan Semenov Yvan will fight.

Besides, VKKS will consider statements from candidates for 20 judicial positions for arbitration. In particular, in the EXPERT Moskovsky okrug are vacant two judicial rates, on each of them is on the applicant – Grechishkin Andrey , the judge ASGM , and Kamenetsky Dimitri , the judge Ninth arbitration appeal court .