"About a role of parents and pedagogical employees of the educational organizations in prevention of suicide behavior of minors"

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in the museum of a family of Stepanov the Timashevsky area with involvement of staff of prosecutor's office and law enforcement agencies is held on March 30, 2017 by Administration of the municipal entity Timashevsky district
the Problem ripened
long ago. Our area not exception. Attempts of suicides and complete suicides take place. According to the Federal law "About bases of system of prevention of neglect and offenses of minors" educational institutions are included into system of bodies of prevention and are obliged: to carry out activities for timely identification of minors and the families which are in socially dangerous situation, and also on their socially pedagogical rehabilitation, on rendering to them the help in training and education of children, to carry out measures for implementation of programs and the techniques directed on formation of law-abiding behavior of minors.

Prosecutor's office of the area carried out inspections on the facts of suicides, the reasons and conditions became clear, scheduled maintenance was analyzed.
It is established that that scheduled maintenance carried out by educational institutions of the area with minors, including directed on prevention of suicide behavior being trained, does not answer current situation and law qualifying standards, violations of the law, miscalculations and shortcomings are allowed.

It demands acceptance of acceptance by the educational organizations of more effective preventive measures, commensurable not only with a level of development of modern , available to minors, but also allowing to achieve real elimination of the factors promoting suicide aspirations.
in the Effective way of an exception of such negative manifestations is increase of level of insistence to implementation of official duties by the staff of the educational institution allocated with the current legislation with powers in the sphere of prevention of deviant behavior, possessing necessary skills of work with minors, and also approach change on the work organization in the specified direction.
So, by results of carried out by prosecutor's office of the area of an inspection upon a complete suicide it is established that at the minor A. earlier there were suicide bents: shramirovaniye on hands, liked to walk on roofs of high-rise buildings. In a social network of social network "VKontakte" it was signed by br on Genokit and Abstraktny kit groups. These groups of, allegedly, suicide orientation.
it is obvious to
that the girl needed special attention, continuous psychological supervision. However from a family and the educational organization she did not receive the real help and protection.

by results of check upon medicamentous poisoning of the minor A. it is established that the minor by means of a suicide made the decision to work against the conflicts in a family and with contemporaries, trying to resolve current situation.

Parents should not be away from this problem, it is necessary to change approaches in education of children, to react to all facts of changes in behavior of the child: irritability, isolation. To check sites to which there are children. To look at cuts on hands, tattoos. To know a circle of friends. To contact to teachers, specialists of other institutions of prevention of the area, to win round them. Children should not remain in private with trouble.

Senior assistant prosecutor
Timashevsky rayon Korneev V. A.