To remain in Russian Federation and … The national team of Chile continues a campaign behind the Cup of confederations-2017

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Moscow, 25 Jun – Sport News Agency "R-Sport", Samokhvalov Anatoly. the National team of Chile on soccer achieved an exit in a playoffs the Cup of confederations of 2017 , having drawn with team Australia in a match of the third final round of a group stage of tournament.

Chileans and Australians played

with the score 1:1 in the meeting which has taken place in Sunday at Stadium "Spartak" in Moscow. As a part of Australians caused a stir Troizi James (the 42nd minute), at Chileans killed Rodriges Martin (67). Thus, South Americans gathered total 5 points and guaranteed itself a place in the four of the strongest, and the team from the Green continent with two points stopped fight on tournament in Russian Federation.

of "Pivo-vodka"

Charming chant "Tchi-tchi-tchi-le-le-le! " Pi - in - waters-@ was replaced a week of stay of the Chilean fans later in Russian Federation by not less fine in their melodious execution "!" . Children in caps with ear-flaps with cockardes during a twenty-degree heat were cheerful, but are sober. A day earlier the similar atmosphere was observed at stadium in Moskovsky rayon by Strogino where near the Moscow ring highway under a ring of church bells there was for decisive training a national team of Chile.

her players were … Are concentrated? Are released? Burned with eyes, feeling a smell of crude meat of a kangaroo? No, they smiled to the press photographers. Left in the field, turned and once again posed. To them did not stir those emotions which frightened off the head coach of combined Russian Federation Stanislas Cherchesov during collecting in the Austrian Tirol, during matches in Russian Moscow and Sochi. On pre-game trainings of Russians fan support which it defiantly suppressed chaotic gestures stirred Stanislas Cherchesov even. Also was, having parted in the parties of a hand and having opened palms, with this favourite gesture in the attention center. His Chilean colleague Juan Antonio Pizzi was the most imperceptible on Saturday in Strogino. Even the person in shape Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters looked more thriftily on the suburban arena among the woods and channels of the Moskva River.

© information agency "RIA Novosti". Biyatov Eugenie to Pass into photobank
the Head coach of the national team of Chile Juan Antonio

On a set of hackneyed phrases of Pizzi on this tournament does not concede Pizzi to the Russian trainer, and here for the rest … The open fifteen-minute part of Saturday training of Chileans came to an end, journalists started wandering to the bus as from a standing van wild roar was distributed. Alexander Samedov hammered to Mexico into Kazan, and in Strogino the guy in an undershirt of combined Russian Federation, watching translation from a truck cabin at full blast shouted. Having seen Chileans, the person adapted the pleasure under passable public." Vamos, Rusia!" - it cried out in Spanish.

Kekhill Tim not on protection

Next day such exclamations looked cries. On Sunday on "Spartak" forward drove "Tchi-tchi-tchi-le-le-le". The goalkeeper Bravo Klaudio , injuring in April a sural muscle, playing in an English premier league for" Manchester City ", for the first time came for game, having replaced on a post of honestly fulfilled doubler - the veteran Errer Johnny . The halfback Medel Gari , received damage to game of the second round with Germans (1:1), worked at training in the general group, but in day of a match remained in a reserve.

© information agency "RIA Novosti". Sysoev Grigory to Pass into photobank
the Goalkeeper of the national team of Chile on soccer Bravo Klaudio

Australians were adjusted by

on game as on the last fight, in the spirit of the traditions of power game which were not broken even itself by Guus Hiddink in the middle of "zero" years. However, current decade a legend "sokkeruz" Kekhill Tim declares the desire that its nation respected for soccer, instead of for war game with world predators. The kangaroo on Sunday "Spartak" was only rubber and looked not so ominously as the plastic head of an unrestrained lion from Cameroon week before, and the symbol which has arrived with three changes Australia in hands of the owner sat as is peaceful as known Zhdun waits for the.

© information agency "RIA Novosti". Vladimir Pesnya to Pass into photobank
the Head coach combined Australia on soccer Postekoglu Angelos and the halfback Kekhill Tim (from left to right)

But 37-year-old Kekhill Tim was in the field other "product". Got the idea in Vidal Arthur , entered the case Sanches Alexis . On a board did not pass yet and three minutes. It had anniversary - Kekhill Tim played this evening the 100-th match for a national team, and is obvious not on protection." If it leaves in the field tomorrow, not to play the 100-th match but because he is the great Australian", - the head coach of islanders Postekoglu Angelos declared on Saturday.


of Chile on fire

But on the 8th minute Vidal Arthur and Sanches Alexis could hammer for every taste. It was simple early, and then it did not seem at all that soon can "late" come. Game was warmed, nobody became flustered, and the central defenders Makgouen Ryan and Trent Seynsberi stepped over combined Australia and Vargas Eduardo a sure and model fashion show. To minute on 25th they so were fond of match contemplation that Sanches Alexis on gate Ryan Matthew missed breakthrough. The Chilean accepted a ball after distant zabrosa at a speed as a plush toy, and the halfback Milligan Mark tried to stop the forward in any ways. And then Rocca's chief judge Rokki Dzhanluka for the first time needed system of the video help to arbitrators (VAR). Violations it was not recorded.

© information agency "RIA Novosti". Vladimir Pesnya to Pass into photobank
Rocca's Italian judge Rokki Dzhanluka (the second on the right) and the forward of the national team of Chile on soccer Vargas Eduardo (the second at the left)

A on the 34th minute the hero of the anniversary Kekhill Tim was on the verge of removal and justified before the referee. The Chilean midfielder Charles Arangis covered on a brow a ball, but black eyes smuglolitsy Kekhill Tim from everything around saw only a white ball to which an arrow and almost pyry his right foot flied. The objectives were achieved, but left a ladle signed Arangis's both feet, and Kekhill Tim had to rejoice to a yellow card.

Australia played

Australia about Postekoglu Angelos days before. The actions they managed to build a psychological barrier before the rival. On the 36th minute the halfback "sokkeruz" Luongo Massimo after the only soft giving performed by Australians for a time – from Troizi James - bungled a scoring chance. Halfback of the national team of Australia on soccer James Troizi (No. 14)

© Vilf Alexander to Pass with
the Halfback combined Australia on soccer Troizi James (No. 14)<"184>"

On the 42nd in a penalty of Chileans arose chaos in which both teams were involved, and struck a heat in Seynsberi's fire and the forward Kruz Rob, giving in each other. The only thing who dropped out of a turmoil, was those Troizi James which, having got a ball on the edge of the shooting area, threw it through Bravo Klaudio - 1:0. Then Seynsberi replaced graceful gait with march, protopal a footpath of Troizi James and too got a ball on the edge of others shooting area, but loaded in heavens. The first time remained for Kekhill Tim and To.

Ideal equality

Second was morally too behind them. Australians in game did not have anything new – canopies in fight, joints in fight and single combats from fight. At Chileans the old was gone – the exit from defense in attack in three passes at a mad speed was replaced by addressless giving not from someone there, and from Sanches Alexis.

On the 56th minute from a field Kekhill Tim left. There was a soul a body, and on the 67th minute quite Australian on spirit zagruz a ball Chileans in a penalty area Ryan Matthew the exit, and attack provoked at all Rodriges Martin in private with the goalkeeper, and "La Rocha's" forward evened the score.

© information agency "RIA Novosti". Sysoev Grigory to Pass into photobank
the Forward of the national team of Chile on soccer Rodriges Martin

Chileans returned themselves over the game, lost in the first minutes of a meeting, and right there it lost. How Sanches Alexis with Vidal Arthur did not manage to realize the favorable moment. The slightest oversight of the halfback Fransisko Silva in a midfield turned back an exit in private from Bravo Klaudio the Australian forward McLaren Jamie who could not get plainly on a flying ball. In the field again equal fight and skill finally went lost to self-sacrifice in which Vidal Arthur from the Munich "Bavaria" and less eminent Irvin Jackson from English "Burton" looked well matched each other. Owners of the Cup South America remain in Russian Federation.