The advisory board Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation summed up the activity results for 2016

@Minpromtorg Rossii
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23 June under the chairmanship of the Minister of Industry and Trade Russian Federation Denis Manturov took place meeting of the Advisory board Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

during action heard reports of heads of the working groups formed at the Advisory board - the Chairman Goskomselkhoztekhniki SSSR (1990-1991) Chernoivanov Vyacheslav and the Chairman Gosstandart of the USSR (1984-1989) Kolmogorov Georgy about results of activity of the Working group on agricultural and transport mechanical engineering and the Working group on questions of the radio-electronic industry.

Also following the results of speeches of the Chairman of the state committee on defensive industries Russian Federation (1993-1996) Victor Konstantinovich Glukhikh and the Minister of the defensive industry Russian Federation (1996-1997) Zinoviyapak's members of the Advisory board discussed the questions regarding strategy of development of defense industry complex.

of Spravochno:

the Advisory board Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation was educated by
on April 10, 2014.

15 ministers of the USSR and Russian Federation on primary branches are a part of the Advisory board: chemical, construction, electrotechnical, machine-tool constructing, transport, defensive, trade and heavy mashinostroyeniya.