Cameroon and Australia was gathered by the first points on the Cup of confederations

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Despite unsuccessful result on the tournament start, both teams made good impression. Especially Australia ". Kangaroos" almost selected points at defending champions of the world of Germans (2:3). Worthy game of this national team estimated not only experts, but also rivals.

- We studied Australians, - the halfback of Cameroonian team Siani Sebastian noted at a pre-game press conference. - We know that high children in a good physical form there are brought together. But we too have trumps. Let's try to use them.

For many fans of soccer the exit Cameroon on the Cup of confederations became a surprise. Until recently as the strongest African national teams were considered Nigeria, Ghana or Ivory Coast. But "unrestrained lions" as still call Cameroonians, created small sensation on fields Gabon, having won the Cup of Africa. And on a tournament course Broos Ugo overcame Senegal, Ghana, and in a decisive match beat champions on number of victories on this tournament of Egyptians.

thus unlike last years the structure of Cameroonians does not abound with stars. If to be more exact - them is not present at all. The former forward of Makhachkala "Anzhi" Eto'O Samuel finished the international career, the halfback of the Kazan "Rubin" Song Alex is not called long ago. In such situation of Broos Ugo relied on a team game and did not lose. Even in the first match of the Cup of confederations against Chile Africans did not look whipping boys, and at times and surpassed the eminent rival.

- Yes, we conceded to Chileans, but showed thus quite good soccer, - noted Broos Ugo. - Now it is necessary to win against Australians. I watched some matches with their participation. We have, of course, different styles. They are closer to English spirit: combative, physically powerful, well play the head. And we try to combine. I think, and it is worth placing emphasis on it. We will try to deprive of them a ball and to hammer as much as possible.

Cameroon already in the second match in a row on the Cup of confederations shows
Cameroon against

Is visible, Broos Ugo listened to installation of the trainer. At least, in the first time they acted almost ideally. And Australians were too inert. On the ninth minute Africans could come forward, but after blow Vensan Abubakar the ball flew by near a bar. Cameroon worked more impudently, and at times more effectively than the rival. But when it seemed that on a break of team will leave at the equal account, Australia passed. These are Franck Andre Zambo Angiss after transfer from depth of a field escaped in private with Ryan Matthew and did not leave that any chances - 1:0 in favor of Cameroon.

the Passed ball worked

on Australians. Since the beginning of the second half they began to play much more actively ahead, and the result did not keep itself waiting long: on the 60th minute from a penalty the captain of "kangaroo" Milligan Mark hammered. However, already in one of the following attacks Cameroonians could move again in the account. Vensan Abubakar after giving with edge was obliged to hammer the same, but from several meters punched by gate.

Closer to the end of a match advantage Africans took control again. And again Vensan Abubakar could hammer. But Cameroonian "ten" this day desperately was not lucky. On the 85th minute Vensan Abubakar could bring a victory of the national team, however his blow was struck aside at a short distance by Ryan Matthew. As the result - 1:1.<"29>" In the last round Cameroon on Sunday will play

with Germany Sochi, and Australia will meet Chile in Moscow.
