Hasyn district are checked by prosecutor's office execution of plans for apartment houses

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Prosecutor's office Hasyn district carried out an inspection of performance of the legislation when forming regional programs apartment houses.

According to the resolution of GOVERNMENT OF THE MAGADAN REGION "About the approval of the short-term plan of implementation of the regional program " the general property of the apartment houses located in the territory Magadan region" for the period for 2044, for territories of the Hasynsky city district in 2016 planned carrying out 9 apartment houses, in 2017 – 8 apartment houses.


However as of the middle of June, 2017 of work on the apartment houses, planned for 2016, are not executed (are at a stage of development of design and budget documentation).

the Term of performance of work on the apartment houses included in the plan for 2017, is not subject now to the forecast as so far Fund Magadan region with contract organizations on performance of work on development of design and budget documentation, and also on performance of work directly on houses are not signed that is a cause of infringement of short-term plans of implementation of the regional program " the general property of the apartment houses located in the territory Magadan region".

Prosecutor's office Hasyn district to the director general NON-COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "FOND KAPITALNOGO REMONTA MAGADAN REGION" are brought by


In addition, during check it is established that as of June 01, 2017 the general size of local governments of the Hasynsky city district on payment of contributions to makes 2,6 million rubles, including 2 million rubles - settlements Glass and Thawed, Hasyn district to the Hasynsky city district.

Prosecutor's office the area to chapter of ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY DISTRICT KHASYNSK brought representation.


Results of consideration of measures of public prosecutor's reaction, the actual elimination of violations it is taken by prosecutor's office the area on .