Residents of Chelyabinsk presented the international Russian-Tajik project

@MK.RU Cheljabinsk
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at Institute of power Tajikistan took place on June 16 a round table "Problems and prospects of development of youth movement on the Euroasian space". The action which had the status international, was organized at the initiative of the Chelyabinsk fund of social and economic development "Yevraziyskoye sodruzhestvo". The round table brought together journalists, heads of various departments, militiamen and public men, teachers of higher education institutions, and also youth activists. The new international Russian-Tajik project "Student's Youth Movement "Euroasian Express"" was presented. Also opening of the international club "Young Economists of Eurasia" took place.

of Participants of a round table were welcomed by the manager of work sector with youth of Tajikistan Azimov Azizdzhon:

- Practice shows that the special sense gets activity of youth at turning points of history, - Azimov Azizdzhon considers. - From as far as it will be possible to wake energy young, society prospects in many respects depend.

Addressing to guests of a round table, heads of the Tajik youth movement "The Road in Vakhdat", the editor-in-chief of the Evening Dushanbe newspaper Amirshoeva Gulnora emphasized that the youth Tajikistan is interested in a full development of the country.

the President of fund "Yevraziyskoye sodruzhestvo", the vice rector for the international activity YUURGU Katochkov Victor considers that one of the priority directions is promotion in youth circles of the importance of economic development Russian Federation and Tajikistan.

Telling about the main calls of youth ideology of the countries, the head of department of work with youth of the Tajik technical university of a name of Osimi Ashurov Ashur declared:

- It is very important to

to inform to youth idea on responsibility for the state and citizens. Activity of youth has to promote development of national consciousness, patriotism and unity.

the Vice rector of Institute of power Tajikistan Kabriye Mirzoyev in joint performance with the analyst of OMVD of the Botarsky area, the militia major Bobodzhonov Rustam told that modern Tajikistan faces a set of threats of safety. The majority is a consequence of political ignorance and poverty of youth.

In this plan student's youth movement "Euroasian Express", and also Club of young economists of Eurasia can promote development of an education level and civil activity of the Russian and Tajik youth, strengthening of the friendly relations of two states, realization of creative potential of the young.

Azimov Azizdzhon
Amirshoeva Gulnora
Katochkov Victor
Ashurov Ashur
Bobodzhonov Rustam