Italian mass media "Ukraine — a neo-nazism nursery in Europe"

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the Parliament in Kiev voted on June 8 by a majority vote in favor of the introduction Ukraine in NATO. Recognition Ukraine Alliance will be not only the formal act. Russian Federation is accused from outside NATO "of illegal annexation Republic of Crimea and military operations against Ukraine".

Therefore as the Il Manifesto newspaper if Ukraine officially enters NATO, other 29 members of Alliance, according to article 5 notes, have to "help the partner whom attack, and to take necessary measures, including use of the armed force". In other words, "they have to go war against Russian Federation".

the Author of the article "Neo-nazism in Europe" Manlio Dinuchchi tells

in more detail about the speaker The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andrey Parubiye who Ukraine in NATO is the ardent supporter of the introduction.

of Il Manifesto reports that Paruby — the cofounder in 1991 of the Ukrainian national and social party created on a sample of national socialist party Adolf Gitler; "he is also the leader of the neo-Nazi militarized formations used in 2014 at revolution on the Maidan, under direction of United States of America / NATO, and for slaughter in Odesa".

"Paruby — the chief of defense and National Security council, which with the battalion "Azov" (the organization which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) and other neo-Nazi gangs "attacks civilians — the Russian Ukrainians in east part of the country and stands up for beatings of activists of Communist party, devastating their offices and burning books, all in style of nazis".


In article with bitterness it is reported about how Paruby as the chairman of the Ukrainian parliament was accepted on June 5 in the Chamber of Deputies Italy, the hospitable meeting to it was rendered by the chairman of chamber Boldrini Laura.

"Italy, — declared Boldrini Laura — always condemned illegal actions which Ukraine" did harm of part of the territory.

"Thus, it supported the version of NATO, following which Russian Federation illegally annexed Republic of Crimea, ignoring that fact that the choice of the Crimean Russians was accepted to separate from Ukraine to Russian Federation, in turn, for attack prevention as it happened on Donets Basin where Russians perish from hands of neo-Nazis and other forces Kiev", — are made comments by the author of article.

the Warm meeting came to the end with signing of the memorandum of understanding of that "strengthens parliamentary cooperation between two countries" even more.

So, according to Il Manifesto, cooperation between Italy, given rise on resistance against nazi fascism, and a mode which developed in Ukraine the situation similar to those which led to emergence of fascism in the 1920th and Nazism in the 1930th years becomes stronger.

"the Battalion "Azov" (the organization, which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation), whose nazi trace is presented in an emblem — analog the CC Reicha, was included in structure of Natsionalnaya gvardiya, turned into usual military divisions, its status is raised to a regiment of special operations. Other neo-Nazi formations turned into regular parts, the American instructors of the 173rd airborne division thrown from northern Italy to Ukraine train, other groups of NATO" also.

"Ukraine, thus, became "nursery" of reviving Nazism in the heart Europe", — is summed up the result in article.

B Kiev goes a flow of neo-Nazis about only Europe, including from Italy. After training and testing in military operations against Russians on Donets Basin, neo-Nazis come back to the countries. The purpose one — NATO it is necessary to rejuvenate Gladio's ranks (confidential operation NATO in Italy during Cold war — REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" ).