Residents of Sakhalin told about become painful through the reception president

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the mobile reception of the head of state carried out work To Sakhalin region. Addresses of several inhabitants Korsakovo district and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk were considered, the heads of state who have arrived earlier in a reception and infringing interests of a large number of people, reported Pacific information agency "Ostrova" in Department.

the Inhabitant of a seaport Potapova Anastasia wrote

in Korsakov and installation of sports complexes.

- my daughter goes To this preschool institution, now we waiting for the second kid who will go here. Our family is very happy with work of the personnel of kindergarten, conditions in the building. But on in what state there is a territory, without tears will not look. About the broken asphalt children stumble and will wound feet. Is not present here and places for exercises, - the woman complained.


As were explained by the head of the Korsakovsky city district Rudakov Alexander, this summer in the territory of kindergarten the big scope of work will be developed. Here it is planned to establish 14 units of the street sports and gaming equipment. Next year a building facade, and after - territory asphalting will begin.

the inhabitant Rusakova Vera . In the settlement lives about one thousand people and there is no medical aid station.

- To the nearest policlinic of 50 kilometers. In case of emergency it is impossible to receive quick medical care. We ask to render assistance in an opening question in a mudflow of medical assistant's and obstetric point, - the woman addressed.

the Minister of Health of the region Pak Aleksey.

- the Governor Sakhalin region Oleg Kozhemyako set the task to construct modern, convenient FAPY in villages. 14 settlements, among them and Novikovo's village were defined. Works will begin in June of the current year, and in the fall the object will be started in work. Medical assistant's and obstetric point in Novikovo will construct according to the standard project. It will have medical part and inhabited. So it will not be simple a health center, rooms for accommodation of medical workers here will be provided, - the minister emphasized.

In one day the mobile reception of the head of state considered six addresses of the citizens who have arrived addressed to President of the Russian Federation. Generally they concerned questions of improvement of the yards, repairs of facades, construction of playgrounds and squares.


- Practice of such exit receptions of citizens is very useful to

, - the head emphasized Governor apparatus and government areas Dernovoy Alexander.

- I am to Sakhalin region not for the first time. I notice how the region dynamically develops. There is a large-scale construction of housing, roads are reconstructed. Questions which were sounded today by residents of Sakhalin, have more likely local character, but they are very important for people and have to be heard. The mobile reception of the president also gives such feedback. After all the main sense of its work in that any request did not remain without answer, - noted, summing up the work results, the chief of Administration office information and documentary support of President The Russian Federation Sergei Nikolaevich Osipov.

It positively estimated results of work of the reception president at Sakhalin region and noted that similar practice of exit meetings will be continued. All questions asked during exit action, will be on the government and the governor island regiona.

Autor: Islands

Oleg Kozhemyako
Sergei Nikolaevich Osipov
Last position: Chief (Administration office information and documentary support of President The Russian Federation)
Potapova Anastasia
Rudakov Alexander
Rusakova Vera