During protests in Venezuela the police fired at schools

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the Deputy of national assembly Venezuela Paparoni Carlos declared that at dispersal of protests in staff Merida under attack got a number of schools.
According to him, one of incidents occurred in Province of Santa Elena where tear gas affected by applied Natsgvardiya
"The national Bolivarian guard dispersed a protest in Province of Santa Elena, report that the Filomena Davila school suffered as a result of hit of tear gas" — wrote Paparoni Carlos in the microblog to Twitter.
In turn the deputy Juan Requesens reported
(staff State of Tachira). Here security officers at all applied grenades with tear gas, children thus suffered.
"the Don Bosko College is attacked by
On the eve of ten children suffered in the country Caracas capital as a result of dispersion of tear gas in kindergarten of the ministry of infrastructure.