Officials Republic of Khakassia entered a chart of at the same time detained corrupt officials

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If will not put of Foto:yandex.Ru in the spring, will clean

To Russian Federation vice governors began to detain almost daily in the fall. Let's specify, it to Ryazan region all got used that the vice governor works generally with language (that is is responsible for a political situation, though in this field there is a chance to sit down, but about it later), and neighbors have some differently.

mass media did not manage to report Vladimir region on Sunday of the deputy governor on the property and land relations Mazanko Irina as on Monday Kursk region Zubkova Vasiliya detained the deputy governor.

the modern Russian history yet did not know

of Such number of at the same time detained regional officials. Quite recently Mari El Republic, Udmurt Republic came for former heads, case against the former Chelyabinsk governor Mikhail Yurevich is investigated (he abroad), are under arrest Nikita Belykh, Vyacheslav Gayzer, Aleksandr Khoroshavin. Many officials Primorsky territory, Khabarovsk territory, Republic of Khakassia , Ryazan region, Kemerovo region etc. became heroes of investigations lately. The number of the detained former deputy governors, regional ministers and their deputies, mayors is etc. estimated in tens.

Experts do not exclude

that the unprecedented history in style "day without landing" pursues the aim to intercept at "new opposition" anti-corruption rhetoric and in process of forces to head fight against corruption.

At all residents of Ryazan the very famous history which has set the teeth on edge with the first deputy chairman of Government of Ryazan region Andreev Dimitri. The important person, on a torn goat you will not bring, and then it becomes clear that took and largely and a trifle did not disdain. Heads of agricultural enterprises as responsible for agrarian sector of the region, laid under tribute on couple with the deputy Nozdrin Gennady.

When the opera took for bums, "nezhdanchik" emerged - it appears bribes intended for a pre-election common fund "United Russia" Party. It is possible to present only how the vice governor Filimonov Sergei ("Who at us the chief of a staff began to jump at that moment? " © "Election day"), probably already crackers prepared. But in the course of judicial examination the subject of elections came to naught. It is not excluded that to investigators let know that it is necessary to fight against corruption, but to a certain border. And it is so possible dolovitsya bribe takers that results of elections should be cancelled.

Filimonov Sergei began to breathe a full breast, and here the next podlyanka arrived: the chief was replaced. And in the gray house conversations went to Lenin that Filimonov Sergei will push from eyes down with, not t not in a pre-trial detention center, and in a regional pension fund. And on its place prophesy almost present head of Administration of Ryazan Oleg Bulekov.

Such option is not excluded by

. Mayors, it is such category of people that constantly emerge in the most unexpected place.

So on June 6 the acting the governor Lyubimov Nicholas the resolution No. 224-rg (the Minister of Agriculture and the food) appointed by

Artemov Vitaly.

we Will remind

for those who forgot: since November 11, 2010 on October 28, 2014 Artemov Vitaly heading Administration of Ryazan. Before the graduate of the Ryazan state radio engineering institute as "electrical engineer" worked in different the organization and different positions, but only not in agriculture.

Though is not present, the last half a year worked the director LLC "Ryazanyelevator", a gley as the Vid Sboku interent-newspaper closely reports met with the Ryazan agrobarons Georgy Svid and Stanislav Podol. And allegedly from their giving also it appeared in a chair of the agrarian minister.

Agree that anybody just like that will not push the person to a position. In it always there is a self-interest: sooner or later it should fulfill "debt". And such working off is fraught with repetition of destiny Andreev Dimitri and Nozdrin Gennady.

the heap of enthusiastic responses appeared

Right after appointment Artemov Vitaly on social networks: yes superprofessional, slogger, honest official, unfairly victim because of the artful governor Oleg Ivanovich Kovalev.

we do not argue, the slogger and some useful affairs for Ryazan made. But, not without jambs.

of the Protege of the present envoy in Mikhail Babich, Artemov Vitaly really especially did not cave in before the governor, and Oleg Ivanovich Kovalev disposed "to dig under the mayor". And something worked well naryt.


So investigating authorities the transaction on sale of real estate and the land plot on the address Ryazan, Shevchenko Street, 82. On this site the base on cultivation of flower production of MT "Forest-park economy" settled down earlier.


According to documents, the initiator of sale Artemov Vitaly acted chapter of Administration of Ryazan. It directed the corresponding appeal (No. 9-1940) to the Duma 02.12.2011. In the decision of City Council No. 416-I of 08.12.2011 it is said that the assessment of market cost of property was carried out by certain LLC "Otsenka sobstvennosti", according to the report of the last (report No. 432/2011), on 25.11.2011 the price of objects made 37 564 000 rubles, including NDS.<"58>"

It is the price for nearly 3000 sq.m. non-residential premises also involved investigators who found out subsequently that the firm which bought these areas from the city, very quickly resold objects - nearly 4 times more expensively.

While similar materials were stored by

at investigators under cloth, Artemov Vitaly worked on an advancing and unexpectedly for all wrote the application on . On family circumstances.

the Governor calmed down, business lowered on brakes.

it is curious through which period Artemov Vitaly leaves, having worked on an advancing, a ministerial chair?

on June 7 the acting the governor Ryazan region Lyubimov Nicholas commented on appointment Artemov Vitaly the Minister of Agriculture and the region food. He noted that Artemov Vitaly the person Ryazan, knows area, a scope of work who to it should be engaged.

"Artemov Vitaly proved

as the person rather honest, - quotes Lyubimov Nicholas regional news agency "MediaRyazan". - Perhaps, not always convenient and obedient, having the opinion. But just such people also have to work for us first of all because the initiative in our case is not punishable, and, on the contrary, is welcomed".

... It is possible to assume that till September of official criminal cases to Ryazan region we will not observe. Because any corruption fact srikoshetit on Lyubimov Nicholas. Therefore the burned officials will simply dismiss. Watch news.


Total amount of the got bribes in 2016 made 2,3 billion rubles — honor billion more, than a year ago. And it only the revealed crimes. According to the State Office of Public Prosecutor, for the past year in the country 33 thousand crimes of a corruption orientation are registered. This figure in comparison with indicators of year before last though it is insignificant (for 1,4 percent), but grew. Appetites of criminals increased also: if in the 2015th average sum of a bribe made 212 thousand rubles, last year - 425 thousand.

edition "Novaya gazeta-Ryazan"