In Otradnoye opened the square "Family" - 09.06.2017

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On Thursday, June 08, in the city of Otradnoye Kirovsky rayon Leningrad region took place a ceremonial opening of the square "Family". In festive action took part the First Deputy Chairman of Government of Leningrad region - the chairman of committee of finance Markov Roman Ivanovich , chapter of Administration of the municipal district Kirovsk of the Leningrad region Vitko Andrey Petrovich , heads of MO "City of Otradnoye" Mikhail Lagutenkov and Letunovskaya Vera .

the Device of the square is made by

with attraction of financial resources of the regional budget within implementation of the regional law of May 12, 2015 No. 42-OZ "About assistance to development of other forms of local government on part of territories of settlements Leningrad region, the settlements which were administrative centers".

the First with greeting words Markov Roman Ivanovich:

- In the budget Leningrad region is put financing of many objects, as big – bridges, roads, schools, not very much - such, as this square in Otradnoye. Despite small, in comparison with other projects Government of Leningrad region, the estimate of the organization of this square, it is worth estimating its value for inhabitants and guests of Otradnoye.


It is sure that this place becomes one of favourite vacation spots of citizens. I wish to inhabitants of Otradnoye of wellbeing, love and happiness! - Roman Ivanovich wished to otradnenets.

on the occasion of a ceremonial opening of the square "Family" the head of administration Kirovsky rayon as LO Vitko Andrey Petrovich acted:

- one more place for comfortable rest of our fellow countrymen is pleasant to open

today. Joint with Government of Leningrad region efforts we do attractive to accommodation of the settlement Kirovsky rayon. In 2017 stadium opening with the equipped sports grounds is planned for territories of the Otradnoye school No. 3.<"18>"

Dear guests, dear fellow countrymen! The family is a support of the state, and let wellbeing, mutual understanding and love reign in your families! – kind wishes the head of regional administration finished the speech.

In turn, the head of administration of MO "City of Otradnoye" Letunovskaya Vera thanked Government of Leningrad region and the leaders of the Kirovsky municipal district of LO for strong partnership and support in implementation of plans for creation in the territory of Otradnoye of the attractive environment for accommodation.

Guests of honor and heads of MO "City of Otradnoye" cut a symbolical red tape then in the sky balloons were let out.


Press-sluzhba Kirovsky municipal district Leningrad region