To survive under the bureaucratic bulldozer – businessmen Irkutsk about a situation with pavilions

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on June 9, information agency "IrkutskMedia". the Provision of small business has to go now to the best. In any case the high-ranking officials speak about it: heads of regions, ministers, mayors, heads of MO. In reality the situation develops differently, especially for owners of non-stationary trade objects to Irkutsk. As the businessman Petrova Olga declared, conditions in which the city power of owners of pavilions set, are equivalent to demolition by a tractor and the actual elimination of business. The meetings which have taken place in April of the current year, and councils at the mayor which take place without his participation, cannot resolve the collected problems and create the soil for constructive dialogue. Now owners of non-stationary trade objects Irkutsk prepare for new fights with "the bureaucratic bulldozer" for the right to remain on those places where they work nearly 20 years. About it reports information agency "IrkutskMedia".

the Individual entrepreneur, the owner dvut pavilions Mironov Leonid works with

since 1999. The representative of small business considers that in the reasons of ruptures of rent is not present the objective bases. He noted that business which was created nearly 20 years ago, can destroy suddenly (the corresponding letters already came) instead of creating the new.

— Why needed to pull down what was created for years? On one object to us made the remark, we corrected. Now there was a check, at us did not record violation. We are not malicious violators. On the second object – I had all documents. I have no about violations. But the power wanted to take away — Mironov Leonid states.

the Businessman believes that such situation can be considered as lobbying of interests of shopping centers which in crisis stand idle. Thus, they receive tenants who will be compelled to have rooms.

the Individual entrepreneur, the owner of pavilion Petrova Olga in the market since 1996. The businesswoman also sees injustice in approach of the authorities to NTO and large supermarkets. The woman noticed that eases for owners of pavilions are not present. Therefore they are compelled to survive in the conditions of growing taxes and rent rates and to buy production where is cheaper.


— Us in such position delivered: taxes high, it is necessary to pay for everything. We – middle class. If to close us, all of us will get to poverty, for us families, people who there work. Taxes on us collect, as for stationary objects. It turns out that we cannot trade time we not stationary, but we pay taxes on the full. Now to me somehow on the maintenance of pavilion suffices — Petrova Olga told.

the Owner of NTO added that rent were issued earlier. Now them withdraw and will not give out more. She is sure that if there were long-term , all requirements and conditions shown by the authorities could be considered. It concerns improvement of the adjacent territory, painting and pavilion repair.

the Situation with non-stationary trade objects develops ambiguous, told the correspondent of information agency "IrkutskMedia" one of businessmen on the condition of anonymity. According to him, now "take" not only separate pavilions, but also shops which are in houses. The businessman is sure that in Irkutsk lobby interests of large business.

— there are pavilions which do not watch the appearance, trade at the nights... Here I agree that it is necessary to take measures. And to those who regularly fulfills requirements, wrong to apply such measures. Last week cleaned pavilion in Radishchev. It there took place long ago. After the supermarket there appeared, it was demolished at once. Microbusiness, and it just we, is not necessary to the power. Protection are not present: anybody does not listen to us: to address there is nobody. Meetings took place, but the situation did not exchange. Only became even more often to come "happiness letters" (a rupture of rent – an editor's note) — the businessman declared.

the Owner of pavilion reported that after large-scale checks which authorities began to carry out with an enviable regularity, it updated all trade line of NTO, actually changed a field of activity. was signed with the Buryat meat-processing plant on qualitative at the low price. However the businessman noticed that, even despite modern shape of pavilion, lack of alcoholic products, it has no confidence of further work. The payment document confirming payment of a tenancy, still is not received.

the City authorities chose by

a waiting attitude. While in vessels business on a rupture of rent with pavilions is run, and businessmen are ready to come for meetings to protect the business, the administration offers them conditions of exhibition trade.

— the Only process of law which will allow to remain on a former place, – the organization of fair of the Central market. That is you will work to the approval of the new scheme and to pay the same cost, as now, only TsR — the head of the department of development of business and the consumer market of Administration of Irkutsk to members of the working group on HTO.<"38>" problems Businessmen consider by

such measure of the authorities directed on full neutralization of their business as the confidence of their further destiny will not be. They believe that the Central market at any time without notice can close fair, and pavilions — to appear beyond the law.

— Fair is equivalent to that to take and to let us "under a tractor". Us at any time will expel — Petrova Olga declared.

Demolition of pavilions will not solve a problem as many will fade "into the background", Mironov Leonid is sure. The businessman asks the authorities to begin constructive work, to look for the compromise solution for business. Petrova Olga pays attention that in the city is enough places where it is possible to place without prejudice to all new trade places for pavilions.

"We want

that us did not touch, and were engaged in new places. We have many problems: roads bad, at many schools are not present toilets, sports complexes are necessary. I consider that on new sites have to be exposed. The city extends and nobody takes such places. It will be fair — the businessman told.

Sekulovich Ewelina Is solidary in requirements of owners of pavilions the chief of staff of the representative by the rights of businessmen to Irkutsk region. The representative of the business ombudsman emphasizes that one such businessman provides with employment and the income some people. According to her, if about a problem tell hundreds businessmen, so it is really significant.

— If people speak to pay to them attention, certainly, the problem is. When about it writes, speaks 100, 200 businessmen, it is possible to tell that a problem very big. For example, how many people are provided with the income by one businessman? At least four persons, the family. Most often, pavilion — family business. Actually, today already there is a feeling that a situation with demolition of NTO are interested to resolve both the regional power, and municipal. At the same time complaints to demolition continue to arrive to us, as well as new about demolition in courts — Sekulovich Ewelina concluded.

the Chief of staff added that the next meeting on permission of this situation as liquidation of pavilions in the city will lead to negative consequences as for business, for citizens, and for the power — absence within walking distance convenient shops for residents, income loss for the whole families, reduction transferred into the city of taxes is planned. She noted that business is very quickly reconstructed and recently beautiful and cozy pavilions where there are no alcoholic products began to appear.


Pavilion. Photo: The press service of the representative by the rights of businessmen in Irkutsk region

we Will remind

, meeting of council for business at the mayor of the capital Irkutsk region took place on May 31. The head of the regional center on action was absent, being engaged in preparation for City Day celebration. Some questions were considered, and rough discussions were caused by a subject on a property tax rate at the cadastral cost of real estate and further destiny of non-stationary trade objects. The acting deputy mayor – the chairman of committee of economy Ashurkova Julia assumes that the coefficient in 1,3-1,5% for real estate over 5 thousand sq.m with the subsequent decrease in the area of objects and increase in a rate will be an initial rate of a new tax. In response to it the chairman of the board of Irkutsk regional office of public organization "OPORA RUSSIA" Yarotsky Edouard noticed that calculations which would show a real situation in this question, no, and the administration cannot make them. He called such situation "conversation deaf and blind".

Before information agency "IrkutskMedia" reported that meeting because of sharp deterioration of enterprise climate took place in Irkutsk. Gathered demanded to stop demolition of pavilions in the regional center, to restore rent which were terminated by the authorities, to stop "nightmarizing business". The gathered made the posters "Small Business — Economy Blood", "Leave Alone Small Business, Fight against a Counterfeit", "Small Business — Development Irkutsk", "Do Not Smother ", "We Demand Equal Conditions with Large Distribution Networks", "Cash Desk Online, Are Necessary to Only Their Producers" and others. The chairman of OO of businessmen Irkutsk region Galyautdinov Ildus declared that protest action — the only opportunity to be the heard authorities and to defend the right for business.

Ildus Galyautdinov
Last position: Chairman (Public organization businessmen of the Irkutsk region)
Petrova Olga
Mironov Leonid
Semenov Eugenie
Sekulovich Ewelina
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
Central market