The volleyball player Goncharova Natalia is recognized as the best player of the Superleague

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Department of sports of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" the seventh season in a row conducted survey of head coaches of teams of a female Superleague by definition of the owner of a prize of a name of the double Olympic champion Buldakova Ludmila, the founded VFV and superiority of the country handed over to the best player. The world champion-2010, double (2013, 2015) the champion Europe Goncharova Natalia became the winner for the third time attacking the national team and capital "Dynamo".
of the Photo: Pesnya Vladimir / RIA Novosti news agency

the correspondent of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" declared vote results during a command dinner right after end taken place in Croatian Osijek the European qualifying tournament of the World Cup where our girls won all five matches and won the treasured permit to Japan. Goncharova Natalia her girlfriends on the national team and a trainer's staff met the next, third in a row success a loud applause. Well and Goncharova Natalia already then, at the airport answered questions of the correspondent of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta".

Third year you owner of a prize Buldakova Ludmila. And what of these seasons nevertheless consider for itself as the best?

Goncharova Natalia: If to speak only about my game, probably, it is more happy with last season. It as a whole for me developed very successfully. And in this championship together with the international club tournaments there were many heavy matches, the fatigue collected and I not always showed the best volleyball.

Can call the three of the strongest volleyball players of the country?

Goncharova Natalia: Here it would be desirable to refrain from the answer. After all such choice - is more prerogative of trainers, journalists.

you pass Yeltsin's Cup, the world Grand Prix then to begin preparation for the championship Europe. This trainer's decision?

Goncharova Natalia: At us very long season which goes practically without interruption. The head coach of the national team Kuzyutkin Vladimir Ivanovich sees all this fatigue of leading players. He heard us, we received time to be restored, normally to have a rest and heal the collected sores.

Agree what the volleyball calendar for players of top level is overloaded?

Goncharova Natalia: features of our championship Here are still added. It is a lot of tiresome flights. In this season in the Superleague debuted "Sakhalin", and in the following "Primorochka" from Vladivostok is added … I do not know how to make it, but, it seems to me, total number of games should be reduced. Very difficult after such championship to come to the national team Russian Federation.

Capital "Dynamo" won two Superleagues in a row, before many years took "silver", and here that does not suffice to club for titles on the international scene?

Goncharova Natalia: It is hard to say. First of all, it is already good that we reached and "The final of four" Champions Leagues, and on a club WC to Japan. It is invaluable experience. In the next season we will surely try to impose fight to the best teams Europe and the world, to show result more seriously.


it is Already declared that six new players come to "Dynamo", on names powerful strengthening. How it is estimated by you?

Goncharova Natalia: We are always glad to new little girls, we will give support. But only trainings and games will show as far as they will be useful. I am especially happy to arrival Stolyarova Darya, volleyball players of my role. I believe, it will decently unload me and together it will be easier for us to sustain a new, even more difficult season. Someone from legionaries hope, will be added. Task to us for the present did not set. I think, they will be such - to win the Superleague and a cup Russian Federation, and already to be on a pedestal in the Champions League.

Results of trainer's vote were commented by the curator of all female direction in VFV Fadeev Wladyslaw:

- I Will note that fact that in ten trainer's questionnaires on the first places seven volleyball players are specified at once. It means that in our championship there were many interesting players. Goncharova Natalia on the professionalism, devotion, talent and on many other qualities deservedly won the general first place. We will hand over a trophy on one of starting house matches of Moscow "Dynamo" already in the Superleague-2017/18. Yes, the prize Buldakova Ludmila, as a rule, is taken by forwards are an effect of emotions. It is more than girl of this role on a look, they solve sports problems in difficult situations when it is necessary to hammer on the double, threefold block. But in a number of clubs game is defined by the binding - Startseva Eugenia in Kazan "Dynamo", Babeshina Marina in "Uralochke". I in last championship liked "Yenisei", the sensational owner of "bronze". And I consider as opening of tournament the volleyball player Krasnoyarsk Frolova Maria. She deserved the right for a place in the national team.

Who as voted

Gilyazutdinov Rishat ("Dynamo", Kazan): Babeshina Marina, Pole, Vasileva / Goncharova Natalia

Dyakov Dimitri (Metar", Chelyabinsk): Babeshina Marina, Goncharova Natalia, Parubets

Karpol Nicholas ("Uralochka-NTMK", Sverdlovsk region): Pole, Goncharova Natalia, Parubets

Alexander Leonidovich Kashin ("Leningradka", Saint Petersburg): Peretyatko Alexander, Babeshina Marina, Frolova Maria

Koshkin Alexander ("Yenisei", Krasnoyarsk): Parubets, Goncharova Natalia, Frolova Maria

Cuckoo Roman ("Proton", Saratov region): Malova  Anna, Garelik Anastasiya, Vasileva

Pankov Vadim ("Zarechie-Odintsovo", Moscow region): Goncharova Natalia, Frolova Maria, Malova  Anna

Panchenko Youri ("Dynamo", Moscow): Pole, Goncharova Natalia, Shcherban Iana

Prikhodko Konstantin ("Sakhalin", Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk): Parubets, Goncharova Natalia, Frolova Maria

Ushakov Konstantin ("Dynamo", Krasnodar): Frolova Maria, Goncharova Natalia, Parubets

Department of sports of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta": Goncharova Natalia, Frolova Maria, Babeshina Marina

Each trainer and department of sports of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" called by

three the best, in his opinion players of the Superleague 2016/17 as the importance: the first place - 3 points, the second place - 2 points, the third place - 1 point. In case of a sharing of places (as in the questionnaire Gilyazutdinov Rishat), points shared.

Full results of vote

Goncharova Natalia (M "Dynamo") - 18,5 points (2 first places %2B 6 of the second %2B in one case a sharing of the third place).

Frolova Maria ("Yenisei") - 10 (1%2B 2%2B 3).

Parubets (Ilchenko) Ksenia ("Uralochka-NTMK") - 9 (2%2B 0%2B 3).

Babeshina Marina (Sheshenina) Babeshina Marina ("Uralochka-NTMK") - 9 (2%2B 1%2B 1).

Pole Maiya (M "Dynamo" - Croatia) - 8 (2%2B 1%2B 0).

Malova  Anna (M "Dynamo") - 4 (1%2B 0%2B 1).

Peretyatko Alexander ("Yenisei") - 3 (1%2B 0%2B 0).

Garelik Anastasiya ("Yenisei") - 2 (0%2B 1%2B 0).

Vasilev Elits's

("Dynamo" of Kz - Bulgaria) - 1,5 (0%2B 0%2B 1 and in one case a sharing of the third place)

Shcherban Iana (M "Dynamo") - 1 (0%2B 0%2B 1).

ALL OWNERS of the PRIZE of the NAME Buldakova Ludmila (website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" conduct survey of trainers since a season-2010/11)

2006/07 - Yagodina Lyubov (TSSKA, Moscow)

2007/08 - Sokolova Lyubov ("Zarechie-Odintsovo", Moscow region)

2008/09 - Estes Eugenie ("Uralochka-NTMK", Sverdlovsk region)

2009/10 - Kosheleva Tatyana ("Zarechie-Odintsovo", Moscow region)

2010/11 - Gamova Catherina ("Dynamo", Kazan)

2011/12 - Gryun Anzhelina ("Dynamo", Moscow - Germany)

2012/13 - Gamova Catherina ("Dynamo", Kazan)

2013/14 - Gamova Catherina ("Dynamo", Kazan)

2014/15 - Goncharova Natalia ("Dynamo", Moscow)

2015/16 - Goncharova Natalia ("Dynamo", Moscow)

2016/17 - Goncharova Natalia ("Dynamo", Moscow)

Marina Babeshina
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "VK DINAMO (MOSKVA)")
Alexander Koshkin
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Lyubimsk of the Yaroslavl region)
Catherina Gamova
Last position: Curator of female junior Russian national teams (VFV)
Main activity:Culture and sports