Social networks were got: discuss emergence of the EKTO 100 new gasoline

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Brand of new gasoline caused rough discussion by motorists . PHOTO: Social network

Motorists discuss emergence at EKTO 100 new gasoline gas stations. Responses sound different, someone is frightened novelties, someone calms and assures that gasoline normal and anything terrible does not happen.

As it became clear

, gasoline 100 started selling a premium of class EKTO at the Lukoil gas stations PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL".

"New advanced fuel of EKTO family with the improved operational properties completely will replace with

EKTO Sport 98 gasoline in retail network Kompanii gas Station. Sale of bonus fuel in all regions of activity of the marketing organizations PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL" began after work on necessary technical training of a network of gas stations" — is reported on the official site of the oil company.

according to the firm, new fuel — result of modernization and long-term work. New compoundings and new forms of mixing of automobile gasolines are developed.

drivers had at once a question of the price
: The social network

"Ekto 100, 100 rubles for liter" — is asked by the user of DariaKoekina.

with It are answered by Petrov Petr which is explained "by him will be on sale instead of the 98th, the price especially if at all, will not change, i.e. 42-45r for liter".

B other case discuss consequences of transition to new fuel for the engine.

As will affect the engine?
: Social network

"The piston from under a cowl will take off and the exhaust is not calculated on this gasoline, absolutely other temperatures" — Maksimov Maxime writes.

of Anything there will not take off …
: The social network
to It answers

Sheremetyev Alexander: "anything there will not take off, it only octane number. By propane go there 105 and anything for some reason does not take off, temperature of burning of gasolines on the average 900-1100 degrees. Filled in 102 in a tazomotor and burned down nothing. Niva the same pistons perfectly keep on turbosakh as well as standard the valve with which cut off for simplification".

Petrol price
: Social network

Lukmanov Alexander
© Russian information company "URA.Ru"
Petrov Petr
Maksimov Maxime
Sheremetyev Alexander
Lukmanov Alexander
PJSC Lukoil
Main activity:Mining