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B Moscow came to the end the tenth in the history draw of World round on beach volleyball For the first time for all the time of carrying out tournament in a podium there were at once two teams from Russian Federation – in man's part bronze was won Stoyanovsky Oleg / Yarzutkin Artem, in the improbable final on heat Lyamin Nikita / to Krasilnikov Vyacheslav. In final game day of a tribune of Water stadium were hammered to the full. And it despite cold weather which stood all week in Moscow. Reason for the notice became also participation in decisive matches of man's tournament of two teams from Russian Federation. All began with game for the third place where Stoyanovsky Oleg / Yarzutkin Artem met with the first seyany the Moscow stage Samoylovs Alexander / Shmedinsh Yanis from Latvia. Having lost the first game young Russians could gather and show shedevralny volleyball in the second and third sets. Result – 18:21, 21:14, 15:8. Stoyanovsky Oleg and Yarzutkin Artem for the second time in a season win a bronze medal of stages of World round. Earlier champions of the junior Olympic Games – 2014 were the third in Iran.
All waited for repetition of one more result of the Iranian tournament – then on the island Kish gold medals won Lyamin Nikita and Krasilnikov Vyacheslav. The truth this time Russians had rivals where it is more dangerous – Americans Phil Dalkhauzer and Lyamin Nikita Lyuchena by right are considered as leaders of world beach volleyball. In Moscow a sample of 2017 it is possible to recognize a final safely as the best for all history of carrying out tournament in Moscow. There was all – both improbable draws, and wonderful rescue, and kambeki, both the won-back matchballs, and the smartest support of the audience. the First set passed br in equal fight, at some instant Russians even managed to escape forward, but a series of mistakes in attack in an ending of a set presented to Americans a victory in starting party. In the second set athletes from United States of America took at once leadership and somewhere it seemed that and Krasilnikov Vyacheslav this match not to rescue Lyamin Nikita and Krasilnikov Vyacheslav came off in the account a little, but Phil and Lyamin Nikita quickly enough made even also already came forward. As a result everything ended with the next matchballs which Russians in shining to force won back again. The public stayed in the complete delight, such emotions at Water stadium were not long ago if they in general ever reached such level. That the disappointment of several thousand people when at the score 17:16 in favor of United States of America Phil Dalkhauzer blocked attack Lyamin Nikita is stronger. Russians conceded, but it is unambiguously that case when say that silver is worthy gold.
"Madly offensively, but we looked adequately. The rival played us only in one element – giving. With it at us in the final it was not taken. For the rest we looked well. Thanks to fans who were with us to the last. Tried to thank them good game. It turned out on "four with plus". It is our first joint season with Lyamin Nikita, we will be sygryvatsya, is over what to work. For me this medal became the second of Moscow in career, will take a worthy place in a collection. God grant – not the last. Thanks a lot to all to those who made this tournament possible. To act houses – it is invaluable" — Krasilnikov Vyacheslav told after the final.
In the female final, unlike men, serious fight it did not turn out. Larissa/Talit's Brazilians without special problems played Americans of Suites / Sammer in two parties – 21:16, 21:14. As well as men, on a female podium had two teams from one country – bronze also goes to Brazil after couple victory Agate/fife over Germans Binek/Shnider. the Following stage of World round of FIVB will pass br in the middle of June in Dutch The Hague. In July, 2017 in the Austrian Vienna will pass the World Cup.

Vyacheslav Borisovich Krasilnikov
Last position: The professional athlete on beach volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "BK "Fakel")
Oleg Stoyanovsky
Last position: The professional athlete on beach volleyball (MP "BK "Obninsk")
Yarzutkin Artem
Lyamin Nikita