In Tyva Republic after prosecutor's office intervention citizens from among orphan children celebrated housewarming

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the Prosecutor's office Mongun-Tayginsky district Tyva Republic checked observance of the housing rights of orphan children and children without parental support.


It is established that Family and Children Agency of the Tyva Republic in July, 2016 signed employment contracts of the specialized premises intended for accommodation of persons from among orphan children. Then delivery-acceptance certificates of apartments to two such citizens in the village of Kyzyl Huy mountain Mongun-Tayginsky district were signed.

At the same time in defiance of the federal legislation the specified citizens were not installed by

in the premises provided to them. From apartments Family and Children Agency of the Tyva Republic did not give out keys to them, control of their actual installation in premises did not exercise.

Following the results of check the prosecutor of the area brought representation in protection of the rights of citizens to the director of Family and Children Agency of the Tyva Republic, having demanded to eliminate violation of the rights of orphan children.

Representation of the regional prosecutor is considered and satisfied with

. Now children live in the apartments provided to them.

Division: prosecutor's office Mongun-Tayginsky district.