At the mayor Irkutsk carried out meeting of council for business without Dimitri Berdnikov

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on May 31, information agency "IrkutskMedia". Meeting of council for business at the mayor of the capital Irkutsk region took place today, on May 31. The head of the regional center on action was absent, being engaged in preparation for City Day celebration. Some questions were considered, and rough discussions were caused by a subject on a property tax rate at the cadastral cost of real estate and further destiny of non-stationary trade objects. of the Acting deputy mayor – the chairman of committee of economy Ashurkova Julia assumes that the coefficient in 1,3-1,5% for real estate over 5 thousand sq.m with the subsequent decrease in the area of objects and increase in a rate will be an initial rate of a new tax. In response to this the chairman of the board of Irkutsk regional office of public organization ""OPORA RUSSIA"" Yarotsky Edouard noticed that calculations which would show a real situation in this question, no, and the administration cannot make them. He called such situation "conversation deaf and blind". About it reports information agency "IrkutskMedia".

the Representative of administration told that initially the law will be rehearsed on large businessmen before it will concern small business.

"Change of a new order of the taxation are defined by each region. The property which will be assessed with a tax, is the area over 5 thousand sq.m to rehearse the law on businessmen more or less large, and then within several years to lower this level to one thousand or 500 quarter. meters", — Ashurkova Julia.

In a situation on a tax for natural persons the city is one of the few municipalities where the tax rate is not defined and this process of transition is not carried out. The official noticed that everything needs in detail to be counted. While the rate appears at the level of 0,5% across Irkutsk, but it is not accepted yet finally.

the Chairman of the board of Irkutsk regional office of public organization "OPORA RUSSIA" Yarotsky Edouard noted that Administration of Irkutsk is engaged in this subject since 2013, but everything costs on one place.

"Such feeling that the deaf talks to the blind. It seems everything is clear, but we stand on one place. All settlement moments sent including to you, and all of you cannot count. You that with arithmetics not in frets?" — was expressed the people's deputy.

Catastrophic consequences can develop for businessmen Irkutsk region in connection with the statement of high rates of a tax, the chairman of civic chamber Irkutsk Korenev Youri declared . He added that regions can make in general a zero rate.

"The cadastral cost of my hotel – 350 million rubles. If to estimate on a rate 1,37, 4 million rubles a year will turn out. Profitability of this structure the changeable. It turns out, monthly I will give more than 300 thousand rubles. Further my actions: to close hotel and to try to sell to Chinese" — the public man told.

the Chairman of OO of businessmen Irkutsk region Galyautdinov Ildus reported that the regional law is adopted in the first edition. In particular, there is a decision on the continuous taxation for all business.

"Need to rely, identical to legal persons and natural persons that people did not rush about, were not re-registered. If such decision is made (a rate of a tax of the cadastral cost of 2% — an editor's note) it will be possible to be turned and leave as legal business will be over in the region" — the head of the organization summarized.

of the Similar opinion holds and Korenev Youri. He considers that such actions create an unpleasant situation before presidential elections.

"I have such impression that if you will remain on the same positions of 2% on a tax on property, in my understanding it is possible to call the government antinational. And we will argue this point of view. And what you will do during presidential elections?" — Yury Korenev asked a question Korenev Youri Meanwhile for natural persons the rate is not determined by

by the property tax yet therefore it was submitted for discussion.

Discussion of an important question on non-stationary trade objects took place

not less vividly, but also without special result. The offered Administration of Irkutsk opportunity to continue activity before introduction of the scheme of placement of NTO and carrying out caused mistrust of businessmen. That work within fairs of the Central market will not end suddenly, businessmen have no confidence. Besides, the businessman Krivosheev Youri noticed that activity of small business in that case is formed for 11 months without registration of full that gives opportunity to the Central market at discretion to decide destiny of such fairs.

we Will remind

, meeting because of sharp deterioration of enterprise climate took place in Irkutsk. Gathered demanded to stop demolition of pavilions in the regional center, to restore rent which were terminated by the authorities, to stop "nightmarizing business". The gathered made the posters "Small Business — Economy Blood", "Leave Alone Small Business, Fight against a Counterfeit", "Small Business — Development Irkutsk", "Do Not Smother ", "We Demand Equal Conditions with Large Distribution Networks", "Cash Desk Online, Are Necessary to Only Their Producers" and others. The chairman of OO of businessmen Irkutsk region Galyautdinov Ildus declared that protest action — the only opportunity to be the heard authorities and to defend the right for business.

Dmitry Berdnikov
Main activity:Official
Ildus Galyautdinov
Last position: Chairman (Public organization businessmen of the Irkutsk region)
Ashurkova Julia
Yarotsky Edouard
Korenev Youri
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
City administration
Government Agency