On the Sverdlovsk lake the destiny of small business to Russian Federation is decided

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the Businessman for years stores precedent, beating off from custom-made checks

Fishermen on the City pond. Yekaterinburg, winter fishing, hobby, hobby
Because of greed of fishermen the Ural businessman it appeared under blow of supervisory authorities . Photo: Zhabrikov Vladimir © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

of One of the largest producers of fish to Sverdlovsk region doom to death supervisory authorities. The businessman beats off the business from controlers some years. It is a question of trade in two regional ponds, but, in practice, it is fight of federal scale: the hero of a material solves a corner problem of all small business.

Still about 10 years ago on Big Sungul and Chervyanoye's lakes to Sverdlovsk region for fishermen something was considered as a great luck to catch

except a traditional crucian. Water here not strongly is suitable for life of beings because of a low mineralization, scientists claim. Everything changed when the fish company LLC "Rodina" Shablakov Mikhail.

Society with staff in 30 people began to spend about one million rubles a year, artificially zarybly reservoirs sigovy, silver carps, a carp, a perch that then to realize production. By 2010 the company annually caught on lakes 100 and more than tons of fish. According to the Sverdlovsk ministry of agrarian and industrial complex, a company share on production of fish in the region — 9,5 percent.

Alex Claire fishes in the middle of Yekaterinburg, fish, an ice-hole, a hole, a hobby, hobby, subglacial fishing
For only a few years the company increased a catch on lakes to 100 tons
: Zhabrikov Vladimir © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

At the same time "Homeland" entered a special payment for fishermen — Ural residents received the receipt in which it was stated, for 200 rubles what fish and in what quantity it is possible to catch.

Shablakov approves

Shablakov Mikhail, Shablakov Mikhail complains.

the Senior state inspector of department of state protection of water biological resources on Sverdlovsk region Polushkin Eugenie in conversation with Russian information company "URA.Ru" declared that "Homeland" violates the rights of fishermen: "Besides those species of fish which are grown up on lakes by the businessman, also others there are found, existing by the nature. The person can freely catch everything and has to ask permission from the company only if caught the object of an aquaculture belonging to this open company".


"In on a right of use of reservoirs at LLC "Rodina" stated the status: user of a fish-breeding site. It follows from this that Big Sungul and Chervyanoye are not public reservoirs, and fishermen have to catch fish only by agreement with the user" — Shablakov Mikhail answered in the protection.

B 2016 the Lenin district even fined "Homeland" on 100 thousand rubles, however then Regional court of Sverdlovsk cancelled the resolution and stopped proceeding. In the decision it is spoken: "Production (catch) of objects of an aquaculture in borders of fish-breeding sites without consent of fish-breeding farms is forbidden to citizens, establishment by society of restrictions to other persons was lawful".

First court session of murder of a souchereditel of USSR restaurant. Yekaterinburg, scales, court
the Regional supported the businessman
: Mamaev Alexander © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

Shablakov Mikhail reported that complaints to "Homeland" are written by fishermen. Allegedly they are dissatisfied with that to them forbid to catch free of charge a perch who lives in many reservoirs by the nature. But in Big Songgulie and Chervyan all perch also is considered company property about what it is approved in the conclusion of the Ural branch "Gosrybtsentra": "In previous years the user of reservoirs trade did not master stocks of a perch and now is the owner of these stocks".

Mikhail Shablakov already got

Shablakov Mikhail. There to the address of the businessman responded: "Establishment of restrictions on production of objects of an aquaculture in borders of fish-breeding sites LLC "Rodina" is lawful. … The aquaculture is one of the important directions of agricultural production … Since 2013 LLC "Rodina" is the recipient of a subsidy".

Despite a ministry position, the decision of regional court and "Gosrybtsentr's" conclusion the department of state protection continues "to nightmarize" its business. On May 3 was submitted to Verkh-Isetsky district court of Yekaterinburg of Sverdlovsk region. However from there business was redirected to the world judge to District court of Kamenka of the Sverdlovsk region.

"Who will be directly engaged in protection of lakes. After all only this spring to Sverdlovsk region fish in the Sysertsky pond, on the lake Pike, on the Irbitsky lake" was lost — the businessman was indignant.

it is surprising, but the head of department of state supervision Pavlyuk Sergei in conversation with our agency confessed that his subordinate Polushkin Eugenie in vain fell upon Shablakov Mikhail. The employee wrote off everything for defects in the legislation and orders from above.

Meeting of Legislative assembly of Sverdlovsk region. Sergey Okhlopkov's report. Yekaterinburg, okhlopkov Sergey
the Businessman asked for the help Okhlopkov Sergei
: Mamaev Alexander © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

"The matter is that it [Polushkin Eugenie] not really correctly treats this subject, I already spoke to it about it. These reservoirs cannot be public in any way because they have a user. Problem that is not stated in the legislation as the fisherman has to visit a reservoir, or with the consent of the user, but it is free, or for a payment. We last time gave to because there were two complaints in plenipotentiary representation. But, I think that we will lose this " — Pavlyuk

As actions of department coordinate with instructions President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin about support of , difficultly to tell. "Small and medium-sized companies owing to mobility and flexibility can quickly occupy demanded niches, form new points of economic growth, solve employment problems — "The Russian newspaper" quoted Vladimir Putin website "Rossiyskaya gazeta", capable to provide real support are necessary and to encourage a private business initiative".

From a hopelessness users of fish-breeding sites addressed with the letter to the Sverdlovsk prosecutor Okhlopkov Sergei. "We are compelled to speak repeatedly in vessels. And it in spite of the fact that repeatedly stopped case of an administrative offense — are spoken in the letter. — Convincingly we ask you, dear Alekseevich Sergei to charge full and objective check of all circumstances".

In the press service of Sverdlovsk prosecutor's office promised to give the comment later.