Bet match league. Dnepr – Volhynia. The announcement on a match 31.05.17

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"Dnepr" – "Volhynia". Teams following the results of a season will leave the highest division, and opposition between them will not have any already tournament value. "Dnepr" could not achieve success in competitive fight against "Carpathians", and "Volhynia" on preservation of a registration lost long ago chances in Pari Match League. Clubs are under the threat of disappearance, and is not excluded that in their present look we will not see more old residents of the highest division.

"Dnepr" , rather substantial soccer showing recently, could not provide itself a place in an elite division. The key game "blue-white-blue" lost. After defeat in house opposition with the "Carpathians" (2:3) chances of rescue at them practically did not remain. In the last round football players did not have enough emotions that in exit opposition with "Vorskla" (0:1) to be hooked for points. Wards Mikhaylenko Dimitri will say goodbye to the fans on "Dnepr Arena". They will try to finish a season on a major note. In structure there will be no only central halfback Kravchenko Sergei.

"Volhynia" reconciled long ago to the status of the frank outsider. The difficult financial situation did not allow command to show activity in the transfer market, and with existing personnel resources to count luchanam on a high place in Pari Match League was almost unreal. On a duel of the last round the trainer's staff exposed pupils of Lutsk soccer on whom the club pins the hopes in the future. It is unlikely leading football players remain in team after fall in a class. It is predicted "crusaders" in native walls conceded to the "Carpathians" (0:1). In six meetings in a row wards Kvartsyany Vitaly did not gather points. There are doubts that they will interrupt the unsuccessful series in the forthcoming duel. If in house walls "red-white" still show activity, far from native walls they look almost hopelessly, having gathered in the current championship only one point. Because of disqualification the central defender Kravchenko Sergei Melinishin will not be able to leave in the field.

Conclusion : not in the best mood rivals stay before internal opposition. "Volhynia" hardly will be able to surprise with something in the last round of the opponent. "Crusaders" practically have no chances of success in an exit duel. "Dnepr", most likely, will say goodbye to the leading performers. "Blue-white-blue" in the last match of a season will try to draw attention of scouts, and in house walls only they will strive for positive result. Wards Mikhaylenko Dimitri considerably surpass the red-white in the level.

the Forecast – Dnepr with odds-1 (koeff. – 1.53 from BQ of the Bet match).

Vitaly Kvartsyany
Last position: Honorary president (LLC FC "Volyn")
Mikhaylenko Dimitri
Kravchenko Sergei