To do is more qualitative – favourably

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surveys Conducted recently eloquently testify that ordzhonikidzevets raise improvement questions on one of the first places. And most of all complaints, as usual, cause roads.

how the problem is solved and what changes should wait in the summer, we tell with the first deputy head of administration of the area Trukhnevich Igor.

- should not be the expert to define: some streets were not carried out long ago. When business will move off dead center?

- Literally the other day finished streets of Gorky, it was necessary to put a marking only. the Last time put it in order in 1986. First of all, as a rule, we are engaged in streets, where a big stream of public transport.

- Many questions cause quality of laying of asphalt. Who is responsible for it?

- Reception exercises Control on construction, repair of roads and artificial constructions City administration. They have the laboratory which allows to control process at each stage. Leveled a cloth, put the first layer - took the analysis, then - the same control. Everything depends on the direct performer. If earlier the bidder had to possess good material resources and skilled workers shots, today can win anyone, and then employ anyone. The subcontract for repair of the street of Gorky was won by Kompaniya "KomStroy", professionals there work, but such organizations it is possible to count on fingers. They have also plants on production of asphalt that is very important.

- That it gives?

-. Opportunity quickly to react. Put a layer – took samples. If that not so, it is possible to be reconstructed quickly. production of asphalt concrete should not be broken. Besides the temperature mode of mix needs to be observed strictly: asphalt has to come to object of not lower than 120 degrees, irrespective of weather. Only under such circumstances the roadbed will hold on an established period.

- And to road builders it is favorable to

to do qualitatively?

- Rules changed. If earlier the guarantee made two years, today - five-six. And it is necessary to remake at own expense. So there is a reason to hand over object qualitatively.

- And how to be with koleyami? Holes are not present, but dangerously to go.

- During this season we will clean a track on Oktyabrya Avenue – a site from the dezhnevsky overpass to GDK. Completely we will cut off the top layer and we will lay the new. Koleynost – a consequence of many factors. First, the steam of cars since 1983 increased ten times. Today people go all the year round, therefore, load of a cloth increases. Secondly, thorns which earlier too was not. They beat out the top film, and destruction begins. Earlier when cleaning highways left a snow crust that protected the road in the winter. Now installation - to clean to asphalt.

Second: long ago Construction Norms and Regulations neither on materials, nor on were not reconsidered, and requirements constantly raise. Such here disproportion.

- But in the Scandinavian countries the problem is somehow solved though weather conditions are similar to ours, and are expensive in hundred krat better.

- Because there stack tsementobeton that is expensive, but also the road serves more long, and the cloth is not deformed.

- On what streets now will carry out overhaul?

- On Ulyanov, International, Vologda, the Nevsky, Tram, to Oktyabrya Avenue and Gorky. Next year on Chernikovka 50 percent from 43 planned for overhaul is necessary.

- to the area were helped Earlier by the enterprises. How our industrial giants behave? After all their employees go for work on the same roads.

- last year PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK OIL COMPANY "BASHNEFT" repaired Soyedinitelnoye Highway slightly more than a kilometer, but there still there was the piece demanding reconstruction. We appealed to them to lick into shape. We hope for an affirmative answer.

- What streets first of all will make next year?


- Are planned Svoboda Street and the Birsky path. We wait for the end of construction of the Timashevsky outcome. Also will be carried out on streets of the Constitution, the World, Astronauts. We hope that funds and will be allocated for the main artery – Ring.

Igor Trukhnevich
Last position: First deputy head (Administration of the Ordzhonikidzevskoye district of the Ufa city of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
PJSC JSOC Bashneft
Main activity:Activity of hotels and restaurants
Kompaniya "KomStroy"
City administration
Government Agency