Vishnevski Lyubomir: at the bottom, we have no Slovak hockey neither trainers, nor players, money

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the Well-known Slovak hockey player, the world champion-2002 Vishnevski Lyubomir shared the opinion on a failure of the national team of Slovakia on ChM-2017.

"Need to recognize that we missed the last years 10-12. We did not create the corresponding hockey infrastructure, did not bring up neither new players, nor trainers. So now the Slovak hockey looks. We need to begin anew, to adjust system, making use of experience of the countries from top-6. And in some years we will be able to return there where we were earlier. I will not be ashamed to tell

Ya that in Cologne we played hockey at the level of the first division. Anybody still did not perceive it seriously, but now it became clear that everything is really serious. We already at the bottom. We are not able to compete with the top national teams. We is rather on an equal basis with Italians, Latvians and Danes. It is our present level of hockey.

It not Zdeno Tsiger's wine or someone another. It everything result of ten years of system mistakes, instead of works of one person. If you want to bring up good players, trainers are necessary to us. And we did not bring up new generation of trainers. Really, let's look, how many the Slovak trainers can be engaged now in our national teams? Perhaps, there are some young specialists, but I think that they while have not enough experience.

U is not present us neither trainers, nor players, money to construct infrastructure. It is a vicious circle. Young hockey players can grow if before them there is an example of the senior companions. And at us if someone starts making progress, it at once goes to Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden or other leagues where to them will offer the best money. And while we have no money, about any development there cannot be a speech", - told Vishnevski Lyubomir to portal.