The guy with a knife took away the last money from the grandmother
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the 19-year-old young man will appear before the court on charge of the robbery made concerning own grandmother. Threatening the pensioner with a knife, it took away from her the last money.

the Indictment on criminal case concerning 19-year-old Kartashov Alexander approved in Prosecutor's office of the Kochki district of the Novosibirsk region. The young man accuse of a crime under the article "Robbery". As told in Prosecutor's office of Novosibirsk region, Kartashov Alexander made it on March 14 when came to the 70-year-old grandmother in an alcohol intoxication and began to demand from it three thousand rubles.

"Having been refused, Kartashov Alexander took a kitchen knife and, threatening them, demanded transfer of money. The victim, being afraid for the life, transferred the grandson the last money in the sum of 2700 rubles with which Kartashov Alexander from a place of commission of crime disappeared, – told in supervisory authority. – The young man spent money in the same day for alcohol".

the Young man admitted the guilt, indemnified the caused loss. Criminal case in its relation is directed to Ordynskoe district district court Novosibirsk region for consideration in essence.