The regional book forum will take place in Nizhny Novgorod

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the Regional book forum will pass in Nizhny Novgorod

16:57 — 25.05.2017

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The regional book forum will take place in Nizhny Novgorod

Festival is calculated by div class on wide audience and urged to unite all fans of the book and reading. Within a festival in an informal situation all guests will have an opportunity to meet the best modern publishers, writers, philosophers, critics, philologists and translators, to choose to liking the book and the interlocutor, to take the interesting initiative and to participate in collective projects. Organizers – ADS "Expert consulting", the I KNOW cultural center, Ministry cultures Nizhny Novgorod region and the Russian book union.

the Significant event of a festival becomes the Book forum "Development of infrastructure of reading to Nizhny Novgorod region" (on May 27) within which deputies State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representatives of authorities of the region, library and business communities, inhabitants and city visitors, will discuss problems and topical issues of development of book infrastructure in the region. Event is held by the Russian book union and publishing group "Eksmo-AST" with support of Ministry cultures Nizhny Novgorod region. Nizhny Novgorod region Gorin Sergei, the Minister of Education Nizhny Novgorod region Naumov Sergei, the minister of , communication and mass media Nizhny Novgorod region Kuchin Sergei, the board member of the Russian book union, the president of publishing group "Eksmo-AST" Novikov Oleg, the vice-president for strategic communications and development of the joint publishing group "DROFA-VENTANA", the editor-in-chief of Publishing House of "The first of September" Soloveychik Artem the Minister of Culture.


some thematic sections will work At a forum: "Sociocultural projects and book business: problems and development prospects", "The Russian textbook – the base of successful future Russian school student".

"Result of work "Of a book forum" have to become initiatives and projects which will get support and development in the next months. Thanks to joint efforts of the Russian book union and Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region have to appear new large-scale programs for development of book infrastructure – shops, libraries, book exhibitions, and also social campaigns for support of interest to reading at inhabitants of the region", - declared in the press service of Publishing group "Eksmo-AST".

Within a book forum there will take place literary competition which Nizhny Novgorod region will allow young talents to declare itself, to show the creativity to experts and the audience. Competition is held within the All-Russian literary festival "Russian Rhymes" supporting young authors. As organizers of this action act Federal State Budgetary Institution Rospatriottsentr and Publishing group "Eksmo-AST".


of the Family are invited for participation in the action directed on revival of centuries-old tradition of maternal and family readings, "Reading mother – the reading country" The Country Reading project.

Guests of a book forum become also activists ROSSIYSKOYE DVIZHENIYE SHKOLNIKOV. For them wait an intellectual quest "The country of ecological tracks" on the territory of the Kremlin. As organizers of this action the Russian school library association and the joint publishing group "DROFA-VENTANA" act.


this year within two days book-selling networks and secondhand bookshops, regional and city Nizhny Novgorod libraries, writers will work at one territory known and beginning, guides who will tell about Nizhny not dull, the big block of children's programs and master classes with competitions, chitkamiya and quests, Gorky readings for children and adults, junior poetic clubs and many other things.

At a book exhibition fair everyone will be able to get acquainted with bright book novelties and modern editions of classical and educational literature, to get books of all genres at the best publishing prices.

the Publishing group "Eksmo-AST" and the Russian book union, partners of a festival, prepared creative meetings with masters of modern prose for residents of Nizhny Novgorod: science fiction writer Rus Dimitri; writer, screenwriter and author of books in genres of a fighting and detective fantasy Averin Nikita; writer Vedenskaya Tatyana; authors of novels in a genre of modern prose Bulatova Tatyana, Matveeva Anna and Abuzyarov Ildar; children's authors Chesnova Irina and Yemets Dimitri.

In a mode of non-feet on two scenes there will be at the same time live meetings, discussions, discussions, theatrical performances, speeches of musicians, night film screenings.

In the Lecture hall open-air / the Amphitheater / will take part the translator Vizel Mikhail, the literary critic-yaponist Chantsev Alexander, will pass lectures and master classes from Literary workshops Kucherskaya Maia / Creative writing school/, the author of textbooks on literature Lanin Boris, the philologist Lyamina Catherina, young prose writers Zhukova Irina and Vladimirova Catherina, the young political scientist Prokudin Boris. The Nizhny Novgorod project "Loudly with Expression" will take part in the Lecture hall. The philosophical landing from the regional Pop-Philosophy project is expected! Within the Nizhny Novgorod Wave project the program connected with most different "shapes" and contexts of modern poetry will be submitted: editor-in-chief of the New World magazine Vasilevsky Andrey, researcher and publisher of informal poetry Kulakov Wladyslaw, modern poets-aktsionisty Nugatov Valery and Osminkin Roman, poet and essayist Vodennikov Dimitri.


Oleg Novikov
Last position: Director general (Publishing group Nuclear Heating Plant)
 Anna Matveev
Last position: Writer, journalist, editor
Maia Kucherskaya
Last position: Writer, literary critic, critic
Gorin Sergei