The public prosecutor Venezuela reported about a death toll during protests

@Gazeta "Metro"
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by words Ortega Dias Ortega Dias, died in mass demonstrations of 55 people

The public prosecutor of Venezuela Luisa Ortega Díaz reported about a death toll during protests. AFP photoThe public prosecutor of Venezuela Luisa Ortega Díaz reported about a death toll during protests. AFP photoThe public prosecutor of Venezuela Luisa Ortega Díaz reported about a death toll during protests. AFP photo
the Public prosecutor Venezuela Luisa Ortega Dias reported about a death toll during protests. The photo of information agency "Agence France-Presse"

the Death toll during protests in Venezuela reached 55 people, and wounded – one thousand. About it on Wednesday reported the general prosecutor of the country Luisa Ortega Dias, writes information agency "RIA Novosti".

by words Ortega Dias Ortega Dias, now its department investigates about 1,5 thousand. the affairs connected with violent acts of representatives of power structures during protest actions. Charges are brought against 19 law enforcement officers, concerning 18 general warrants are written out.

Besides, noted the general prosecutor, during street riots nearly 350 outlets were plundered and burned.

the Reason of mass protests became decisions of the Supreme Court Venezuela which at the end of March allocated the president Nicolas Maduro with powers to circumvent National assembly. Later the decision was cancelled, but supporters of opposition took to the streets with the requirement of resignation of members of the court and carrying out early elections. The situation became aggravated even more when the president called the constituent assembly. According to opposition, this decision is made in connection with desire Nicolas Maduro to change the constitution.

The day before knew that protesting Venezuela Ugo Raphael Chaves Frias in Sabaneta staff Barinas burned the house of the ex-president.
