South Africa designated start date of new negotiations with contractors of the nuclear power plant

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Photo: The Republic of South Africa designated start date of new negotiations with contractors of the nuclear power plant
South Africa will hold new negotiations with potential performers of the order for nuclear power plant construction in the country, the first meetings are planned for June, 2017, declared in Ministry power engineering specialistsSouth Africa.

the Minister of Energy Mmamoloko Kubayi noted that the offers provided to the government five countries: America, France, South Korea, China and Russian Federation.

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, agreements were already signed with three countries, but they should be cancelled, carrying out a judgment. So United States of America and South Korea lost the contracts Russian Federation. In the Ministry of Energy while refused to designate approximate date of signing of new arrangements, as process long.

Before Pronedr wrote, in the government noted that will make documents so, that the court had no doubts in their transparency. To contractors who were chosen earlier South Africa has no claims therefore with them and work will be continued. Russian Federation in return declared that as well as is interested in construction of nuclear power plant in the territory of South Africa earlier.