Discussed questions of development of sports infrastructure of the region

@Gazeta "Vpered"
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Under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Governor Tula region – the Prime Minister Tula region took place meeting of Administration of Tula region.

On work of committee Tula region on sports were reported by the chairman of Yakovlev Dimitri . He reported that the purposes of a state policy in the sphere of physical culture, sports and youth policy are defined by the state regional program "Development of Physical Culture, Sports and Increase of Efficiency of Realization of Youth Policy to Tula region".

the Volume of budget funds Tula region, provided in a state program for 2016 made of 650 million 813 thousand rub . the actual sum of means under the regional budget made 636 million 007 thousand rubles, from the federal budget 23 million 363 thousand rubles


Execution of a state program for were attracted 2016 made of 97,72% .

Yakovlev Dimitri reported that in the region construction and reconstruction of new sporting venues proceeds. Last year are put into operation:
— MUNICIPAL INSTITUTION "FITNESS AND RECREATION COMPLEX S SWIMMING POOL" and a universal game hall in the city Shchyokino ;
— a sports and improving complex and track and field athletics stadium of school of the Olympic reserve in Novomoskovsk ;
— football fields with an artificial covering in the cities Suvorov, Kimovsk and Tula ;
20 sporting venues for educational institutions Tula region;
— a multipurpose platform in Uzlovaya ;
— a platform for occupation by workout in item . Pine Zaoksky District;
— hockey boxes in the cities Shchyokino , Yasnogorsk and item to Odoyeva .

according to the chairman of committee, despite strengthening of material base, in the region not enough sporting venues, including swimming pools, gyms and plane sports constructions for full satisfaction of need of inhabitants of the region. Construction, reconstruction and objects of sports will be continued and in the next years.

Now sports and improving work in the region is carried out by

on 2 298 sports constructions x.

Thanks to growth of sports infrastructure level of security with sports constructions proceeding from single capacity in 2016 made of 50,3%. the All-Russian indicator – of 47,6%.


At the same time, it was noted that the having sports base is used insufficiently effectively. In the morning the majority of sports constructions are empty. By words Yakovlev Dimitri, in these hours considerable part of it is necessary to provide on a preferential and gratuitous basis. For increase of attendance of complexes it is also necessary to initiate heads of the enterprises on joint financing of expenses on improvement of the workers, and also to speed up work in municipalities with introduction of new effective forms of sports and mass work.

last year the committee together with local governments Tula region organized

and carried out from above 4000 sports and sporting events in which participated more of 285 thousand inhabitants of the region. For expired period of the current year it is carried out by 1138 sports and sporting events among various categories of the population in which took part from above of 80 thousand people .

during the performance Yakovlev Dimitri suggested heads of administrations of municipalities of the region to make every effort, directed on restoration of structure of management by branch and to consider possibility of creation of independent divisions concerning physical culture and sport in structures of administrations.

the Share of the citizens who are systematically engaged in physical culture and sport, from the total number of the population of area aged from 3 to 79 years , in 2016 made of 32,4% , in comparison with 2015 growth by 4,1%.

Among being trained and the students who are systematically engaged in physical culture and sport aged from 6 till 29 years, the indicator made of 76%.

Yakovlev Dimitri emphasized that the major task facing committee, involvement of physically disabled people in active civil and sports life of the region is.

To Tula region GOUDO "SRTSI" functions. In five municipalities there are branches, and in 1 quarter of the current year such branch opened in the city Novomoskovsk.

"Tula region creates all conditions for development the sledge hockey", — the chairman of committee concluded.


So, in the territory of the region are created and train: the nursery the sledge — an ice-hockey team "Ladoga" and "Tropic" . On the basis of Federal State Budgetary Institution RUTB Oka of Aleksin passed superiority of Russian Federation on the sledge — to hockey.

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2016 disabled athletes of the region it was taken part in 53 sporting events, from them in 32 All-Russian competitions. Following the results of competitions by them it was won: 55 gold medals, 46 silver and 47 bronze medals .

to healthy lifestyle Promotion, improvement of physical preparation are promoted by GTO All-Russian sports and sports complex introduction. In total in the GTO festivals participated more of 8 thousand pupils . Today to Tula region standards of GTO executed of 12 239 people : the gold sign – 573 people, silver – 1154 people, bronze – 898 people the I stage of introduction of a complex in the region covered only pupils of the general education organizations of area

according to the chairman of committee, it is necessary to concentrate on the solution of such tasks, as the organization of work for introduction of the GTO complex at the enterprises and in establishments. Due to the lack in them sports organizers, it is necessary to involve the trade-union organizations, volunteers, public men in this work.

Having carried out the analysis of work of 2016 , Yakovlev Dimitri sounded the list of tasks for 2017 , facing committee. Among them:

— completion of construction 3 FOKOV in Venyovsky District, Uzlovaya district, the settlement of Shatsk of the city Tula, the center of rhythmic gymnastics in the city to Tula;
— design 2 FOKOV in Belyov district and Yasnogorsk district;
— construction of 4 mini-stadiums of educational institutions;
— construction within implementation of the Program "Gazprom children" of 12 multipurpose platforms .

the Prime Minister Tula region brought up the question concerning three FOKOV in the settlements of Shatsk, the city Uzlovaya, in Venyovsky District. Andrianov Youri took an interest at the director of GUKS "TuloblUKS" Bunin Anton when these objects will be put into operation.

Bunin Anton explained that on sporting venues in Shatsk and Uzlovaya all necessary documents are already ready, competitive procedures are complete, and here for works on FOKE in Venyov the contractor is not defined. Repeated has to be carried out till July 10.

Summing up the results of discussion of a question, Andrianov Youri also gave a number of instructions. To the ministry of domestic policy and Committee on region sports to carry out the analysis of loading of sports constructions and to offer actions for additional involvement of citizens for occupations by physical culture. Besides, to work a question of expediency and need of creation for municipalities of independent divisions concerning physical culture and sport in structures of administrations.