Ex-senator from Belgorod region does not agree with a sentence

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Protection of the official tries to appeal against sentence on the case of fraud in Moscow.

Ex-senator from the Belgorod region does not agree with a sentence

the Lawyer of the former Belgorod senator Popelnyukhov Sergei intends to appeal against sentence Lefortovsky district court of Moscow, punished accused of plunder 1,1 billion rubles, seven years of a standard regime penal colony.

besides in Municipal court of Moscow the complaint to arrest of property of ex-senator heading LLC "Stroyinvestinzhiniring" is made to

, reports Business Information Agency "ABIREG.RU".

According to the case papers, got under the article "Fraud", during the period from February, 2010 to June, 2011 Popelnyukhov Sergei appropriated more than billion rubles at JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSOBORONEKSPORT" on which it was necessary to arrange license production of Kalashnikovs and cartridges to them in Venezuela. The accused removed money through firms under control to it, and the enterprises remained unfinished.

Under arrest Popelnyukhov Sergei is since May 12, 2015. In the senate from Belgorod region it worked from December, 2003 to May, 2006.