Emerald anniversary of inhabitants of Kanash spouses Grigoryev

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on May 16, 2017 in Wedding palace Kanash spouses Grigoryev Putin Vladimir and Skvortsova Dina celebrated with

on May 9, 1962 in the REGISTRY OFFICE Kanashsky city bureau Chuvash the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic young spouses Grigoryev Vladimir and Skvortsova Dina registered the marriage. Lovers decided to celebrate a wedding in 9 May, Victory Day. On May 9 for spouses Grigoryev a double holiday - 9 May, Victory Day and Day of their wedding.

on November 15, 1962 in Grigoryev' young family the first-born Evgeny was born

. The son presented to parents of two grandsons Putin Vladimir and to Anastasius. On August 23, 1966 the daughter Tatyana was born. Tatyana presented to parents grandsons Igor and Ekaterina. Tatyana herself is a grandmother, at it the grandson Anton grows up. On April 24, 1975 in Grigoryev' family the mladshenky daughter Nadenka was born. The hope presented to the parents granddaughters Maria and Victoria.

Skvortsova Dina is the 11th multiple world champion, the 14th multiple silver prize-winner, the 7th multiple bronze prize-winner, is the master of sports of the international class in cross-country skiing. Visited various countries: United States of America, Canada, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Italy, Austria and always came back with a victory. Evgeny Vladimirovich the candidate for the master of sports of the USSR on cross-country skiing and karate. Has a brown belt of karate.

the Daughter Tatyana - the champion of a national team of the USSR, the member of a national team USSR Friendship, the master of sports of CCCP.<"30>"

the Daughter Nadezhda - the candidate for the master of sports Commonwealth of Independent States on skis and biathlon.

Putin Vladimir and Skvortsova Dina were brought up not by one generations of champions and winners, since city level and finishing the international starts. In 2014 , to Skvortsova Dina , to Nadezhda Vladimirovna diplomas President of the Russian Federation Putin Vladimir for a significant contribution and preparation in holding the XXII Olympic Games in 2014 in Sochi were handed over to Putin Vladimir was awarded by gratitude President of the Russian Federation Putin Vladimir for merits in development of physical culture and sport and long-term conscientious work. Sports and children all meaning of the life of spouses Grigoryev. Now our heroes of the anniversary are on deserved rest, but still work at the favourite sports school, after all to live without children and school they simply are not able. For these years received respect and honor of the fellow workers, for honest work were repeatedly awarded by certificates of honor, diplomas, high awards. It is simple not to consider medals and pennants. Both are veterans of work, are honourable citizens of Kanash.

By long tradition, names of emerald heroes of the anniversary are included in "The honor book" Kanash.

of Spouses Grigoryev Putin Vladimir and Skvortsova Dina on emerald anniversary were congratulated by the head of administration of Kanash Wladyslaw Sofronov and handed over flowers. "You are an example for imitation as younger generation, and for those who already created the cell of society", - Wladyslaw Sofronov noted.

With warm wishes to emerald heroes of the anniversary addressed the deputy of Meeting of deputies of Kanash A. S. of V.P. Voronkov. The duet being trained in the nursery of music school sang the song "Wake Up and Sing", and fitness aerobics collective "Brazil" presented present the incendiary dance.

Heartily we congratulate Putin Vladimir and Skvortsova Dina on a fine holiday! We wish health, love and new victories.