Zorina Helena - Novoselova: It small, but it flies

@Novyj kompan'on
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the Perm Rock-Line can apply for the post in any book of records as the oldest continuously carrying out rock festival to Russian Federation. Is at it and other unique lines: it is the only rock festival, where three main persons — the producer, the executive director and the artist — women. newspaper "Novy kompanyon" already reported that the cult event changes a registration: this year Rock-Line will take place not to Perm, and in Lysva. Responses on social networks about it were the most different. Many complained that from now on to Perm will not be any rock festival, offered "registration" on an esplanade, foretold that the festival will lose devoted public... But the producer has Rock-Line Zorina Helena - Novoselova — the reasons.


— With what connected moving?

— last year Rock-Line triumphally celebrated the 20 anniversary, and I felt that it is necessary to change something. Here just there were sad events in the territory Bakharevk's 2 Perm airline company, where we for many years "festivalili". The territory intends under a housing estate, there dug a ditch already last fall, hammered piles … And, as usual, left. Froze. Not to tell that I felt when saw our "vzletka" who has been filled up with soil. The head refused to trust. Awfully silly — so to dispose of the territory! Bakharevka could be developed as a city festival platform, to hold festivals of different levels — from competition of a snow and ice sculpture before sports and Spivakov's concerts open-air! In the city of such platform is not present. And, probably, will not be.

— Why you did not get over on an esplanade? Many would like it.

— It not our format. Esplanade — for city holidays. There are a lot of restrictions and the strogost connected by that is the downtown. There active traffic, around houses. And in general, Rock-Line — it not that festival which is calculated on interest of passersby. We have a special target audience, and I am sure that our audience will reach a festival even to Lysva.

— Why as a new platform "Layne Roc - Laina" is chosen by


— I long thought — looked for the territory with sense. There is a lot of opportunities — Perm territory is huge, but I needed a place which would correspond to our slogan — "Your line of take-off". I since the childhood knew that in each district Perm territory is old airfield of small aircraft, still the schoolgirl I flied from the same Bakharevka to Krasnovishersk with geologists on a biplane of An-2. It was as in "Mimino"! The aunty with a goat in the plane, "Take-off" that did not turn out, and packages in case nevertheless will turn out candies. Unforgettably. Now the majority of small airfields in desolation, but appeared that in Lysva the airfield in an order and even works as base for extralight aircraft.

In this option there is a set of pluses: the airfield is in a distance from inhabited massifs, and we will be able to play long and loudly, without breaking "the law on silence"; the territory rather spacious to place a camp with all infrastructure and parking; transport availability too the good.

I one more argument in favor of Lysva — people. There is a dynasty of pilots Vyyugov, the father and sons, they build aircraft, develop local aircraft. There passes a festival of extralight aircraft of "Vzletk". Vyyugova are ready to be put for "Rock Line", and Kurbatova Tatyana became the new executive director of our festival, the cultural manager which works long ago at this territory and perfectly knows it. When in team such people, it very much facilitates my producer task.

C Kurbatova Tatyana and Safroshenko Olga we cooperate long ago: several times "Rock Line" left in "The culture territory" where they directed programs: Vsevolodo-Vilva, "city ghost" in vicinities of Gubakha, "Gorod-Avangard" Berezniki … It always were beautiful musical and landscape stories. This time we too will try to create such history though it will be difficult …


— It is a question of Kyna?

— Yes, for the third day of a festival, on July 2, we leave to the historical village Kyn on Chusova where will pass landscape and musical show "The stone line. River Chusovaya codes". In this name there is the painting. "The stone line" — is a literal translation from English Rock Line if to understand the word "stone" in an Ural way: "rock". Chusovsky rocks are called "stones" or "fighters". On the fighter Stenovy at us will be both a scene, and the video screen: at its top will play tool rock groups, and on a wall of the rock video installation in which all most high points of history of this place, since the most ancient times will be collected will be projected.

of Chusovaya — this place of change of eras and civilizations. We will show the ancient sea of the Permian Period, collision of continents — Europe and Asia … These rocks witnessed great tectonic shifts! Then we will pass to historical times: Chusovy — an ancestral home of the Finno-Ugric people, a place of an origin of the Perm animal style. From six known plaques "a bear in a sacrificial pose" five were found in Kyna. Exactly here passed Yermak's campaign, the mining civilization developed, there were "iron caravans". At last, Kyn — is Moscow a tourist alloy, and our last "code" the tourist route No. 58.<"40>"

will seems to me that the melodious tool fate is very much combined with this history. It will be different: ethnic, launzh, heavy metal … The plant in Kyna was ironworks so the heavy-metal of the Perm group Rained will be very much in a subject.

In Kyna too will be a camp and parking, excursions, visit of the local very interesting museum, river walks will be organized.

— the Idea beautiful, and what with implementation?

— Me it seems to

, anybody should have no special difficulties with a trip to Lysva: buses from Perm leave everyone half an hour, three hours on the way. We already have an arrangement that in days of a festival the bus route will be prolonged to the airport so, having left from Perm on Friday, June 30, in seven evenings, to ten it is already possible to be on a runway!

it is more difficult to

to reach Kyn, of course. But we will organize also it. Early in the morning on Sunday, July 2, buses will go to Kyn from the lysvensky airport. The head of the Lysvensky municipal area Shuvalov Vitaly promises "otgreyderit" the road. I realize, what not each bird will reach Kyn … But "the Stone Line" — this event which is worth it to make some efforts.

— Who from musicians will act on "Layne Roc — 2017"?

— the jury then will be defined who from hundred groups which have submitted applications for participation, will pass expert selection will gather on May 25. But names of the invited headliners are already known: On June 30 the legend of the Ural fate Poleva Anastasiya and the most urgent group "Angel Not Demon", on July 1 — "Bricks" and "Undervud" will act. Will open a festival, certainly, the lysvensky group "Wind Laboratory", besides, will play group of Chusovy Choos of Voice. The festival remains international: there will be groups from Israel, Germany and Austria.

Krom of the musical program we plan night film screenings, I hope that it will be possible to do some flying on samoletikakh.

this history very much inspires All of us. Our constant designer Elizabeth Talavira created the new registration of a platform based on motives of creativity of the Perm classic — the artist Repin Alexander, on his mountain landscapes. Symbol of a festival became samoletik - "agriculturial aeroplane". It small, but it flies.
