The plane of Ellinair airline delivered to gorod Afiny to Saint Elena's power

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the Historical event for only Greece became bringing to Greece from Venice Saint Elena's relics and a fragment of the Life-giving Honest Tree. Christian relics were delivered to gorod Afiny yesterday, on May 14, Ellinair airline plane.

the Historical event became result of cooperation of the Apostolic diakoniya of Elladsky Orthodox Church at the initiative of which the supply of relics to Greece, and Ellinair airlines took place.

in the Morning on Sunday Airbus 319 plane specially equipped for this historical mission went from Salonik to Venice, having stopped on the way at gorod Afiny where representatives of church, journalists and others invited, including, the president of Mouzenidis Group holding Boris Muzenidis, the president of Ellinair Ioannis Muzenidis, the commercial director of Ellinair Stavros Daliakas, the director Muzenidis Travel Masmanidis Georgy and other representatives of holding aboard rose.

On arrival to Venice the Greek mission visited Saint Masmanidis Georgy then went to St. Mark's Basilica where the ceremony of transfer of relics took place. Then, accompanied by known Venetian musical collective TESSERA, solemn procession with shrines followed on streets Venice.

Having arrived to the airport, the ark with Saint Elena's relics took the place in specially equipped space in a plane cabin, causing tender feelings in souls of passengers of this special flight throughout all air travel.

At the airport of gorod Afiny sacred relics were met with all honors the metropolitan Mesogiya and Lavreotiki Nikolaosy and the Minister of Defence Kammenos Panos. In Saint Varvara's church in the capital area Egaleo where relics will be up to June 15, at a ceremony were present the archbishop Afinsky and vseya Hellas Iyeronim and President Greece Prokopis Pavlopulos.

In the speech the bishop Fanarsky Agafangel thanked "Boris Muzenidis's which has provided the Ellinair plane for transportation of sacred relics the pious family".

In return, the president of Ellinair Ioannis Muzenidis declared that participation in such important event for all Hellenism is huge honor for Ellinair. He urged all believers of Greeks to visit Saint Varvara's church and to bow to the Saint Elena's who is one of the most significant figures of Christianity relics.

of Power of St Helena and a fragment of the Life-giving Honest Tree will be in Saint Varvara's church (Agiya Varvara) from May 14 to June 15, 2017 to the address: Al Ave. Venizelosa, 40. Access to relics will be open daily from 7.00 till 22.00.