Useful idiots on service
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Russian President Vladimir Putin and president of Moldova Igor Dodon © information agency "RIA Novosti", whether Nikolsky Aleksey | to Pass into photobank

you Paid attention how cleverly and effectively Russian Federation to Moldova began to work recently? I do not joke, really cleverly and effectively.

Having received wished — creation of strong fraction of the pro-Russian party (PSRM) in parliament and election of the leader of the pro-Russian forces Igor Nikolaevich Dodon the president Moldova, Russian Federation did not begin to increase promotional campaign in our country. To elections still far. Therefore, solved in the Kremlin, it is better while to brake. Besides there is a danger that the authorities Moldova dissatisfied with intervention of the Russian mass media in internal affairs, at last will decide and will forbid on the television channels broadcasting to Moldova from Russian Federation, propaganda transfers (so-called news and political shows).


It is sure that the situation will cardinally exchange in 2018. Especially we will feel it in the summer — fall of 2018 when all propaganda resources as to Russian Federation, and in Moldova, Russian Federation and the pro-Russian political forces will be included.

For now, using agents of influence and any useful idiots, they decided to weaken ruling pro-European forces, working not to Moldova, and beyond its limits.

About a conceptual framework. Agents of influence, it is those persons to Moldova which I act under cover (politicians, experts, journalists, public figures, etc.) consistently, in interests of the owners, pursue destabilization policy, destroy political stability, split civil society. To useful idiots, I carry some politicians and representatives of civil society who for the sake of own purposes, are ready on any steps which can lead to weakening of the present power. Consequences of their these steps do not interest, and it is possible, they cannot simply count them.

Today, efforts of agents of influence and useful idiots, are directed on a rupture of the political and financial relations Moldova from EU and United States of America.

their actions.

Was attempt to break off the relations Moldova and Romania. And, the main thing not to allow allocation from outside Romania a soft loan and humanitarian assistance Moldova. Attempt failed, but work on the Romanian direction is continued.

undertook efforts to break off the relations between Moldova and International Monetary Fund. And this attempt failed. International Monetary Fund concluded the Agreement with Moldova and opened for our country a credit line. And it became a positive signal for other international financial and political organizations for cooperation and the help Moldova.

New attempt. Washington D.C., Brussels and the capitals of the European states are pestered. The purpose one — to convince to stop cooperation with Moldova, to cease to allocate with ours a camp financial the help.

Let's ask itself a question. Who will win if United States of America and Europe stop supporting the pro-European power to Moldova?

the Answer unambiguous — supporters will win Russian Federation, will win the pro-Russian parties. Moldova remains in private with Russian Federation and hardly will be able to resist against "coercion to friendship" from the Kremlin.

we will not analyze action of agents of influence. They know that they do and why all this do.

it is more difficult for

to count logic of actions "useful idiots". Why all this to Maia Sandu, to Nestase Andrey, Chibotaru Viorel. What will they receive from a victory of Party of socialists in 2018 and to leaving Moldova under protectorate Russian Federation? What it is promised to them? What arguments are given by agents of influence, pushing them on these steps?

Answers while are not present

. But they surely will be. Manuscripts do not burn.