Polunin Sergei submitted in Moscow the movie "Dancer"

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the New documentary film of the Oscar-winning director Kantor Stephen "Dancer" leaves in the Russian hire on May 18.
so many new movies about the ballet that it is possible to choose already that to give preference appeared

Recently. Documentary "Big Babylon" and "Nureev Rudolph. The rebellious demon", art "Big", "Polina", "After you", animation "Ballerina"... Everything is loud prime ministers. All of them impress to some extent, but any "Dancer" is not capable to excite as the movie documentary about Polunin Sergei .

Why so? When in the movie game to the viewer say that the dancer is a genius and the outstanding talent which has made the way in life from the bottom "through asphalt", he has to trust art of actors and the director. In the same movie really uncommon dancer, his great gift directly is visible. The history of destiny of Polunin Sergei such is that any screenwriter will not think up better. As life - the best scriptwriter. Movie fragments where Polunin Sergei dances, especially at children's age - family shooting, there is a wish to rewind and look several times. How Polunin Sergei managed with the gift, a body, good luck, causes a regret, bewilderment and secret admiration. To what others go all life and do not reach it, as though persistently did not work, to it it was also granted from above. Plus inhuman work, certainly. The most young soloist of the Royal London ballet "Kovent Gardena".

the Boy a sort from Kherson. Whether but it is possible to blame him what he - absolutely young, not knowing other life, except as that in which it is necessary to work on wear at the machine and on a scene, wanted to give up this penal servitude? Did not want to become the tired-out horse of system? It left troupe of the Royal ballet, and it caused big scandal which was exaggerated long by all tabloids without exception. Polunin Sergei wanted to break through to America - it did not turn out, he came to Russian Federation, met Zelensky Igor and began to work at the Moscow Academic State budget cultural institution Moscow "MAMT" and Nemirovich - Danchenko. Audience advised each other not to miss the moment and to go on statements with participation Polunin Sergei so much, as much as possible. .


the episode when Polunin Sergei remove behind the theater scenes, already to Russian Federation, during tours in Novosibirsk where it is visible is Especially capable to excite in the movie that it in a make-up room literally falls flat-out during an interval and after performance (it on a twist of fate "Spartak" in which as we know, there is a revolt). As Polunin Sergei is restored, squeezed out very much! It is necessary to remember other documentary shots on which the well-known clown-mime Yengibarov Leonid sits after wearisome circus representation. He smokes, and at him the hand in which the cigarette hardly is held shivers. Polunin Sergei with a circus surname Polunin Sergei... Body - in scars and tattoos, feet - in veins. . Feeling of pity, pride, bewilderment - everything when you watch this movie which simply managed to underline both this dancer, and his life.


is closer to the picture final - the story how Polunin Sergei and the fashionable photographer David LaChapelle shot the well-known clip on music of Hozier "Take Me to Church" which collected for more than twenty million viewings on , and many also motivated to take dancing classes. It is possible to argue that each viewer of the movie "Dancer", having come home, will sit down at the computer and once again will revise this clip - so it which is at the same time similar to a prayer and a confession, the music expressed by language and bodies, influences even those who is far from the ballet world.

Before a premiere in Moscow Polunin Sergei and the producer Tana Gabriella met the audience in fashionable now a format of public conversation - Public Talk in Central Department Store. And next day presented a picture at Pioner movie theater within the "Invaluable Cities at Cinema" program where the observer of "RG" managed to talk to them.

First that Polunin Sergei told caused shock. On a question that it will do farther, after all the Royal London ballet - the unprecedented case - suggested it to return, Polunin Sergei reported that he refused: "And what for? there is a question: "And what changed? Why to come back?" Unfortunately there and in other places, for dancers everything remained the same. I do not want that looking at me dancing there, beginning dancers looked and thought that it is a good place for work". On a question why it left Kovent-Garden in due time, having promoted of which dream many, Polunin Sergei explained that it is not dance, and in infrastructure at which he took offense.

When you talk to Polunin Sergei, such impression that you communicate not with the dancer, but with the producer, or at least with the theater director. At least, fighter for the rights of actors. It conditions, the relations, the fees worry. For example, that show business and the opera "kill" the present ballet that use dancers. It compares earnings of soloists of the ballet to the fees of opera singers and sadly sighs. Places emphasis that "it is necessary to respect itself".

I Ask

- that it wants because I personally as the viewer, I want to see only one - as he dances. I receive the answer that "it is always interesting to live different lives, to test different emotions". For example, he dreams of cinema (a great example Baryshnikov Mikhail to which, by the way, compare Polunin Sergei). And still he created the Fund which will be, besides occupations by charity, to help young dancers. Besides, Polunin Sergei put the program, show which is called as his name. It will show the updated option in the end of the year in London, and will put then the following.

Tana Gabrielle - the producer - plans and to release further movies with Polunin Sergei, though this was given it hardly. Polunin Sergei who dreamed of cinema art, not documentary, agreed, is not present. Its insistence went beyond all limits. By the way, whether on a question he liked the movie "Dancer", Polunin Sergei told that cannot answer because quality and music at height, but it is not capable to estimate the picture because not simply watched film, but lived everything that to it happened.

It actually can look as the best review - the viewer lives destiny Polunin Sergei together with it. And Tana Gabrielle already tells that Polunin Sergei acts now in the new movie which the well-known actor Fayns Reyf does as the director. It there also producer. This picture is devoted to Nureev Rudolph. But Polunin Sergei plays in her not a leading role, and plays other dancer - Solovyev Youri...

Sergei Polunin
Igor Zelensky
Last position: Ballet dancer, ballet master
Kantor Steeve
Kantor Stephen