Why "Dnepr" from Rogachyov does not act in the championship Belarus?

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Shortly before start of the football championship became known that the team from Rogachyov will not be.

As were explained to a site by "Rogachyov Online" the employee of local district executive committee, the reason of nonparticipation of rogachevsky team – banal lack of money. There were hopes that the team will be supported by Open joint-stock company "Rogachevsky dairy canning plant", however at those own problems roofs are higher. Reaches to such that football players to themselves buy a form, and pay expenses on journey to other cities. Thus, participation in the official championship is simply impossible – the interlocutor declared.

As for a personnel line-up, some people from INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "SFK "TSRFSO" already continue career in other teams. In particular, at once three football players already train for FC "Zhitkovichi". This is Sergeev Anton, Lagutin Victor and Fomin Andrey. Two more players of Rogachevsky club Lukashev Denise and Ruslan Shukelovich continue the career in FC "Molodechno".

Thus can establish with regret the fact that the Rogachevsky soccer team finally stopped the existence. Interestingly and what even in dashing ninetieth years, during an era of economic accident the Rogachevsky team successfully acted in the first league of national superiority.

For fans of soccer of our city need to be watched
only through the Internet at how play other clubs. On a site the Soccer TV channel — the Program it is possible to study also the schedule of games, and to watch them online.

Sergeev Anton
Lagutin Victor
Fomin Andrey
Lukashev Denise