Dilye Silvan the 6th stage "Dzhiro D' Italy", Zakarin Ilnur — the 26th won

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the Swiss Dilye Silvan from the BMC team won against

from Luxembourg, supporting Quick-Step Floors is in the lead .

Cycling on the highway. Grand round. "Dzhiro d’ Italy"
6th stage. Reggio di Calabria – Luidzhane's Term, 217 km

1. Dilye Silvan (Switzerland, BMC) – 4:58.01.
2. Yesper Styuyven (Belgium, Trek – Segafredo) – the same time
3. Loukas Postlberger (Austria, Bora – Hansgrohe) – %2B0.12...
26. Zakarin Ilnur (Russian Federation, Katusha-Alpecin) — %2B0.39...
35. Brutt Pawel (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B0.56...
63. Rovny Yvan (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B1.26...
65. Foliforov Alexander (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B1.28
66. Firsanov Sergei (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B1.35...
125. Kuznetsov Vyacheslav (Russian Federation, Katusha-Alpecin) – %2B6.03...
131. Mamykin Matvey (Russian Federation, Katusha-Alpecin) – %2B9.48...
147. Lagutin Sergei (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B10.14
148. Tsatevich Aleksey (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo")...
152. Kozonchuk Dimitri (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo")...
172. Shalunov Eugenie (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B13.43...
180. Belkov Maxime (Russian Federation, Katusha-Alpecin)...
186. Savitsky Yvan (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo").

General classification. After the 6th stage
1. Bob Yungels (Luxembourg, Quick-Step Floors) – 28:20.47.
2. Gereynt Thomas (United Kingdom, Sky) – %2B0.06.
3. Yeyts Adam (United Kingdom, Orica-Scott) – %2B0.10...
14. Zakarin Ilnur (Russian Federation, Katusha-Alpecin) – %2B0.14
56. Foliforov Alexander (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B14.08...
62. Brutt Pawel (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B15.26...
68. Firsanov Sergei (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B16.46...
117. Mamykin Matvey (Russian Federation, Katusha-Alpecin) – %2B30.00.
118. Kuznetsov Vyacheslav (Russian Federation, Katusha-Alpecin) – %2B30.11...
130. Rovny Yvan (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B33.59...
137. Tsatevich Aleksey (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B35.57...
154. Lagutin Sergei (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B40.40...
166. Savitsky Yvan (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B44.17...
177. Kozonchuk Dimitri (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B48.25.
178. Belkov Maxime (Russian Federation, Katusha-Alpecin) – %2B48.51...
183. Shalunov Eugenie (Russian Federation, "Gazprom-Rusvelo") – %2B53.07.

Ильнур Азатович Закарин
Last position: The professional athlete on bicycle sport
Bob Yungels
Last position: The professional athlete in road bicycle racing
Yvan Rovny
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling