Expert: Days of the Russian culture became a good tradition to Latvia

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Days of the Russian culture became a good tradition to Latvia. So declared in the performance on a round table "As the public Latvia prepares for Days of the Russian culture-2017" the president of the Russian community, the member of council of the Riga Grebenshchikovsky old believe community Latvia Sokolov Vladimir.

He noted that every year Latvia everything enters life of the Russian diaspora tradition more strongly to spend annually Days of the Russian culture. It is one more opportunity to show not only to inhabitants Latvia that in the Russian diaspora honor and appreciate Russian and the Russian culture which strengthen spiritual relations of the Russian people with Russian Federation and its people.

the Expert reminded that the foundation of this good tradition was laid in 1925. It underwent many transformations to pre-war Latvia and was again demanded in our hard time. It is demanded on command of soul of the Russian people living to Latvia. Many of them live here more than three hundred years and remained faithful a drevlepravoslaviya, to Russian and culture.

Days of the Russian culture, taken place in the last years, convinced even sceptics that public organizations of the Russian diaspora and without the aid of government institutions are capable to organize large-scale review of achievements of the Russian culture.

As were emphasized by Sokolov Vladimir, in carrying out Days of the Russian culture to Latvia there were also special traditions. Days, as a rule, begin on May 23 — 24 when the Russian world celebrates Day of Slavic writing and culture. And the termination of Days is dated for the next anniversary of the birth of the birth Pushkin A. S.. This day in any weather at the Riga monument to the poet poets and Pushkin A. S. gather.

Annually to the beginning of days of the Russian culture are preceded by special issue of the free newspaper "Russkiye Dni" which on a voluntary basis prepares the Organizing committee. Annually these days the poetic almanac of the Russian poets "Letters" is published. Release of memorable brands became a good tradition also. This year it is devoted to the 120 anniversary Zavoloko Yvan which was the outstanding figure of Drevlepravoslavny Pomor church Latvia.

I each new Days of the Russian culture, according to the expert, bring something new in their program. Demands of public organizations for participation convincingly testify to it in Days of the Russian culture-2017. From May 23 to June 6 carrying out about two hundred most various actions is planned.

In the program — performances and concerts, lectures and excursions, exhibitions and literary soirees, conferences and seminars. Actions of Days of the Russian culture-2017 will take place not only in Riga, but also in Daugavpils, Rezekne, Jelgava, Jurmala, Viļāni, Jekabpils and other cities Latvia.


of Organizers of Days of the Russian culture pleases, as this year their initiative finds support from Embassy Russian Federation, the Riga House Moscow, the Latvian orthodox church, Drevlepravoslavny Pomor church, a number of local governments, the Baltic international academy and some other the organizations and the Latvian businessmen. Cultural figures Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Volgograd, Pskov, Veliky Novgorod promised the participation in actions.

Local authorities as Sokolov Vladimir noted, do not disturb carrying out cultural actions, but also funds for these purposes do not allocate. However, organizers of Days of the Russian culture already got used to it and count on the forces more.

As are considered by the expert, the success and these Days of the Russian culture will depend in many respects not only on the organizing committee, but also on activity of all public organizations of the Russian diaspora. On his belief, in the country where the ministries and departments underestimate Russian and culture, the care of their preservation to Latvia is a point of honor of each Russian person.