Special reporting: Keepers of a "green" Silk way

@IA Sin'hua
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Beijing, 9 May/Xinhua / - Tszyanshen Sun arrived to United Arab Emirates 10 years ago, and according to him, his real business began with cultivation of vegetables.

At first Tszyanshen Sun opened a small supermarket. For some years scales of its business grew, , import and export of was added. However already taken a strong position in the local market Tszyanshen Sun it seemed that something does not suffice.

the Reason was that local vegetables had no "a house taste".

According to him, the cuisine of United Arab Emirates generally consists of the dishes fried and prepared on a grill, it is not enough vegetables to what Chinese working here are very unusual. Deliveries of vegetables rely on import, the prices of them high, and often they any more the very fresh. In many because of need of transportation add antiseptics and preservatives that, according to Tszyanshen Sun ", it is unhealthy".

to give arrived to United Arab Emirates to Chinese opportunity to buy organic vegetables, in 2012 Tszyanshen Sun decided to invest more than 10 million yuans in construction of a vegetable farm. Its farm settles down in the desert in 50 km from Emirate of Dubai.

the Climate in Emirate of Dubai very hot and dry, annually drops out only about 100 mm of a precipitation. To grow up something in this climate, about 3000 US dollars on farm maintenance annually are required. It is difficult to grow up vegetables in the desert, this expensive enterprise, and friends convinced Tszyanshen Sun to refuse an invention.

But it remembers that each time answered them that time already chose to go this road, will surely use the best efforts to achieve success.

In thousands of kilometers from Emirate of Dubai, in the south Kyrgyzstan is Osh where Nurdinov Nizomidin lives and works on a cotton field. Environment here differs from the Dubai - the favorable climate and rich water resources do Osh by the most important center of production of cotton.

Local nicknamed Nurdinov Nizomidin "rich man" - for a year of work in the field he can earn 40000 dollars. In Kyrgyzstan where the average monthly salary makes 200 dollars, it is rather big money.

Nurdinov Nizomidin considers that though local conditions are fine, however the basis of his wealth was formed by the Chinese "green" .

In the past in Osh were used by the Soviet , collecting from each hectare on 3 tons of cotton. After introduction of scientific research institute of cotton of Academy of agricultural sciences China / ASNK / which assume selection of grades of cotton suitable for local climate, film use for fight against weeds for decrease in labor costs and the soil analysis for purposeful fertilizer. Also the new seeders which are economically spending seeds were applied.

At first Nurdinov Nizomidin and his fellows villager did not believe

in efficiency of a new method. "Really the Chinese can surpass the Soviet?" - they spoke.

However Nurdinov Nizomidin after all decided to try

and followed advice of the Chinese agronomists. As a result it increased a cotton crop with 3 to 5 tons from hectare. So far the total area of fields in Kyrgyzstan on which the Chinese are applied, reached 10 thousand hectares.

"Now we very much trust

to the Chinese , are ready to cooperate with the Chinese agronomists", - Nurdinov Nizomidin speaks.

Benefit from application of the Chinese in "green" development were received also by Radzharatnam living in the northwest Sri Lanka in the city Puttalama family. There they grow up onions. In the past here often there were electricity shutdowns, for watering it was necessary to use the diesel generator that was serious economic burden.

"The generator was very noisy, often broke, from a soot the head" hurt, - Radzharatnam remembers.

With commissioning of the Chinese coal power plant in September of last year family life Radzharatnama strongly changed.

As well as many locals, Radzharatnam's wife found stable work at station, receiving in a month of 180 thousand rupees/133 dollars of the USA/.

That is even more important, the station provided stable deliveries of the electric power. Earlier Radzharatnam spent to 20 thousand rupees/148 dollars of the USA / in a month to grow up one acre of onions. Now its expenses decreased to 3000 rupees/22 US dollars/, and he thinks of growing up tobacco, a papaya, water-melons, and also commercial crops.

Now it still reconstructs the house as living conditions improved.

Influence of power plant on environment drew great attention, in particular how the cindery dust will be utilized.

"We completely use such waste as a cindery dust", - Lakmar, the head of laboratory of a cindery dust of the Tokyo cement company/Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka) of PLC speaks / which is the main buyer of a cindery dust of this power plant. Earlier Sri Lanka bought this substance to India. Now purchase price of it makes only one third of the former sum.

Radzharatnam considers that the station did not affect environment, and reduction of price of the electric power played a big role in area development.

the Farmer Tszyanshen Sun also from the very beginning followed environmental standards and the principles of environment protection, accurate plantings and a sustainable development.

to grow up grades of vegetables which do not accept extremely hot and arid climate, Tszyanshen Sun by means of the government Emirate of Dubai dug six wells more than 100 meters in depth, installed the geothermal thermal pump and, using transformers, receives energy and cools water for greenhouses. It is economic and eco-friendly. drop watering also allowed to use water most effectively, and eco-friendly fertilizers are delivered from livestock farms.

For some years of work Tszyanshen Sun gained experience, the area of its farm grew to 87 thousand quarter. meters, 20 greenhouses with possibility of cooling of water and temperature control, and also a warehouse of 100 sq.m for storage of production fresh were built.

on a farm grow up Every day some tons of the Chinese vegetables and fruit more than 30 types which are delivered in supermarkets Tszyanshen Sun and canteens of the Chinese companies to United Arab Emirates, and also are got by locals.

Recently the Emireyts airline / Emirates Airlines/, known for the strict standards of food , chose a farm Tszyanshen Sun Tszyanshenya the special supplier of vegetables for food onboard.

Telling about development of "green" farming, Tszyanshen Sun considers that in process of promotion of the concept "The belt and a way" more and more people accept the concept of a "green" Silk way which means environment protection and a sustainable development. "Occupation by environmentally friendly agriculture opens for me even more prospects", - he told.