Turks yet did not report Russian Federation results of examination of remains of the Russian military

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Consulate General Russian Federation in Trabzon directed inquiry addressed to the governor of the province Ardagan about found in the district Karagel of remains of the Russian officer. The answer from the Turkish side it is not hit yet.

- the Answer to our inquiry did not come today. At the same time, we phoned to the director of the archaeological museum Province of Kars. According to him, remains of the Russian officer are now stored there, - told to the attache of Consulate General Russian Federation in Trabzon Yarakhmedov Alautdin to the correspondent of "RG".

according to the Turkish side, burial which was revealed during ditch digging for building construction, well remained. On the coffin which sizes of 200 by 90 centimeters, were orthodox crosses. In a coffin there were ashes in a uniform allegedly the officer of the Russian imperial army. Boots and massive epaulets remained.

is gives the grounds to assume that the dead represented the highest command structure, - Yarakhmedov Alautdin noted.

He also reported that Embassy Russian Federation in Turetskoye To Republic sent a note to Ministry foreign affairs of Republic Turkey with a request to provide information following the results of check of the commission which was created by the Turkish side.

- We asked the Turkish side to inform us on it, including, on the basis of the agreement on the Russian and Turkish burials in the territory Turkey and Russian Federation respectively. such agreement was ratified between the countries in 2012, - the representative of Consulate General reported Russian Federation in Trabzon.

Yarakhmedov told

Yarakhmedov Alautdin who died in 1878 in Province of Kars. During this period time these territories were a part of the Russian Empire, and in 1921 Turkey departed again.

- In Embassy Russian Federation in Turetskoye To Republic lineal descendants Geyman Vasilii already addressed who are ready to undergo the DNA procedure, - Yarakhmedov Alautdin noted.


the Speech, it is obvious about the journalist and the businessman Akimov Boris who Geyman Vasilii are the great-great-grandson. It is considered that Geyman Vasilii is buried in a mass grave in the Armenian Gyumri, but, by words Akimov Boris, in the list upokoyenny his great-great-grandfather does not appear.

At the same time, the leading expert of scientific sector of the Russian military and historical society Pakhalyuk Konstantin placed on the page in a social network of a photo of issue of the Russkiye Vedomosti newspaper of April 27, 1878. In it the correspondent Sharapov Ye., in particular, reports from Beauty that "tomorrow a body

Geyman Vasilii will be sent to

to Aleksandropol (the former name Gyumri - a comment" RG") also is interred there on Holm of honor.

- Subjects who believes that from Province of Kars the dead carried instead of Gyumri to Ardagan, I suggest to open the card and to look that it is two different directions, - Pakhalyuk Konstantin noted.