Bet match league. Olimpik – Chernomorets. Forecast for a match 6.05.17

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"Olimpik" – "Chernomorets" . Fight in group Chempionship becomes aggravated. Happy owners of ligochempionovsky permits already were defined. What team will be behind a board of League Europe, with full confidence it is impossible to tell. Two applicants for hit in an Eurocup zone in internal opposition will try to reveal the strongest.

"Olimpik" , having achieved the right to act in group Chempionship, shows rather mediocre results. After end of the regular championship the team still did not achieve victories, and its general bezvyigryshny series reached seven matches. In the last meeting for the first time for four rounds "Olympians" could avoid defeat, having dispersed the world from "Dawn" (1:1). Wards Sanzhar Roman, nothing proved in the first time, even were closer to victory after a break. According to the mentor, his command to act at high international level is not ready yet. After a winter break "Olimpik", having lost several key performers, considerably weakened, and personnel problems could not but be reflected in results. The trainer's staff will not be able and in the forthcoming duel to expose optimum structure. The holding midfielder Tsymbalyuk Eugenie and the left defender Fedoriv Vitaly will serve sentence. On the right flank of defense and in a basic zone respectively will not play Partsvaniya Timur and Doronin Vladimir. Risk not to leave in the field the right vinger Gemega Vitaly, the central halfback Fedoriv Vitaly Goshkoderya and the forward Matyazh Yvan.

"Chernomorets" , pleasantly surprised all on start of the second stage of League of Pari Match, turned out a complete fiasco in opposition with Kiev "Dynamo" (1:4). From "seamen" waited for more constructive actions after they rather surely understood the last rounds with serious opponents, and with the leader of the championship "Miner" (2:1) including. "Black-blue" could not prolong the four-match safe series. Probably, they were broken by quickly passed ball, but as a whole against "white-blue" they looked unconvincingly. The structure of inhabitants of Odessa even did not bear a faint resemblance to the optimum. After disqualification come back the right vinger Korkishko Dimitri and the attacking halfback Andrievsky Alexander. The infirmary became empty a little, but there remain the holding midfielder Smirnov Eugenie, and also tsentrbeki Martynenko Eugenie and Khocholava Davide.

Conclusion : "Chernomorets" disappointed in opposition with Kiev "Dynamo" a little, but in the forthcoming duel on hand Babich Alexander will be more qualified performers. "Olimpik" who has suffered losses, leaves in the field in the weakened structure. To nominal owners will be difficult to hold on the lock the gate. "Seamen" productively act in attack.

the Forecast – the Chernomorets will hammer

(koeff. – 1.6 from BQ of the Bet match).

Vitaly Gemega
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FC "Niva" (Vinnytsia))
Vitaly Goshkoderya
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer
Yvan Matyazh
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (LLC "FC "Kareliya-Diskaveri")
Дмитрий Юрьевич Коркишко
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (SOFTWARE "NOVYE LYUDI")