Idigov Khizir: The Chechen people adequately transferred all burdens of deportation

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this year was 73 years old from the date of deportation of Vainakh people. This violent eviction of Chechens and Ingushs by order of Stalin Joseph became history Chechen Republic as one of the most terrible tragic dates. It is remarkable that at this time many Chechens and Ingushs valorously were at war as a part of Red army on a front line fronta.

Po to the decree of Chapter Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov in the region are marked out on May 10 Day of memory and grief of the people Chechen Republic. Having dated for this date, news agency information agency "Grozny-Inform"" publishes materials in memory of those who endured burdens of deportation.

As it is known from historical data, the Galanchozhsky area as one of the most hard-to-reach mountain spots, delivered many efforts to performers of the operation "Lentil". Patients and nontransportable Chechens were shot, burned, drowned in the lake Galanchozh. Alive in an aul Haybakh burned more than 700 people among whom the vast majority was patients, old men, pregnant women and children.

to Idigov Khizir was 16 years when them removed in a frost and forced to go on foot to cars practically without clothes. According to its stories, this day he remembers very well.

- I Remember

, at daybreak we were woken by desperate shout of our mother. People in shape expelled all on the street, in a frost. I was the eldest son in a family, the brother and the sister brought together itself, and mother on a back took out the sick father. It was seriously ill, and we were afraid that soldiers will kill him, as well as our many fellows villager. Us practically without clothes and food three days forced to go on foot, went to Republic of Ingushetia. All this time of the father on a back was born by us with mother.

There us were loaded in chock-full, by through chilled commodity cars. In three-four weeks of a way us fed few times - any skilly. During this time for hunger and cold tens of thousands of unfortunate people among which there were many children were lost. Bodies of the dead did not allow to bury, and threw out from cars on the way. Because of it people long time hid bodies of the relatives, carried in hope for burial in an arrival place, - Idigov Khizir tells.

On new places immigrants appeared without means of support and housing that also resulted in the increased mortality.

- Us brought to Pavlodar Region, collective farm "Are liquid". Indoors, where us occupied, it was dirty and cold. Despite age, I could not study, had to help mother to feed a family. Took me in collective farm a water carrier, and mother worked at fields. And were interrupted. Three months of dispatch later our father died, - with tears he in the eyes remembers.

After a while Idigov' family moved to Chemkent, is closer to relatives, and their life became tolerable as far as it is possible in the foreign land.

- In Kazakhstan it was heavy. It was the poor earth. And so difficult it was necessary to Kazakhs, and here still us moved, naturally us did not love. There were, of course, skirmishes because of it. Moreover, the Soviet promotion then well worked – to locals told about us terrifying stories (as if we are cannibals, etc.) . I remember as once again during dispute Tanks (Idigov Khizir) so hit the Kazakh that that fell down. Of it were afraid all in the district, she was the thickset woman, - with a smile Idigov Khizir tells.

Later time the family located on a new place, Idigov Khizir married, and the young daughter-in-law became an assistant for the mother-in-law. The wife Idigov Khizir Dudaeva Tamara too suffered much during deportation. It, being absolutely small, lost mother, she was killed by soldiers. From the seen picture, having been frightened, the girl escaped in the wood. There it was picked up by people and took away with itself. And already Dudaeva Tamara found the relatives in Kazakhstan

In Chemkenta the sister Idigov Khizir married and remained there to live.

In 13 long years it was authorized to

to return to Chechen Republic. Then Idigov' family lodged in Karpink's settlement as entrance on the territory of the Galanchozhsky area was forbidden. There also there lives our hero still.

Idigov Khizir with Dudaeva Tamara 8 children brought up, one of which known football player, and nowadays already head coach of youth structure of "Terek" Idigov Ruslan.

Khachukaeva Khedi