In Chernihiv Region Bernes Mark found the stolen sculpture

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Stolen in Nizhyn Chernihiv Region a monument to the actor and the singer Bernes Mark Bernes Mark is found in a hole in the country. About it the deputy of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Kodola Alexander wrote to Sotsialnaya set Facebook.

the Deputy wrote that the monument is found in the field in the country, near the road conducting in the neighboring city Borzna. The monument lay in a hole from what Kodola Alexander drew a conclusion that thieves decided to hide it, searches will not stop yet. The deputy promises to report additional details of a consequence and monument detection later.

we Will remind

, the bronze sculpture representing the native of Nezhin Bernes Mark in a military uniform and with a guitar, was gone from a pedestal on May 3. The Ukrainian police assumes that the monument was dismantled by unknown for sale on scrap.