The member "Night wolves" turned out from Poland to Kaliningrad

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of the Member of a motor club "Night wolves" turned out Loginov Nicholas to Kaliningrad region. Today about three o'clock in the morning of the biker transferred to the Russian frontier guards, told to the correspondent of "The Russian newspaper" in the press service of the boundary Administration office Federal security service Russian Federation on Kaliningrad region.

Loginov Nicholas crossed border through one of the Kaliningrad-Polish automobile check points. As representatives of border management specified, the motorcyclist had to leave the territory of the European state because the Polish party cancelled its visa.

Representatives of frontier protection Poland detained the participant of motocross of motocross "Pobedy Road - to Berlin" Loginov Nicholas yesterday in the morning in Myslowice. According to information agency "ITAR-TASS" , the Polish party declared that according to the Law on foreigners stay of the biker in the territory of the republic "threatens safety of the state and a public order".

the motorcyclist reported

to agency that intends to fly to Moscow. Its motorcycle while remains in garage in the territory Poland - it will be overtaken to Russian Federation by someone from colleagues Loginov Nicholas when the route will come to the end.

we Will remind

, the Russian members of "Night wolves" are main organizers of motocross "Pobedy Road - to Berlin". The route of participants of the action lies through Smolensk, Minsk, Warsaw, Bratislava and Dresden. The main actions will take place in Berlin on the ninth of May.