The environment Mikheil Saakashvili will solve to us problems with coal! — review of power Ukraine

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According to data of Public joint-stock company "Ukrtransgaz" (the operator of the Ukrainian gas transmission system), stocks of natural gas in the Ukrainian underground gas storages (UGS) as of April 30 made about 8,435 billion cubic meter. Thus, Ukraine started accumulation of gas in UGS over again — plus of 159 million cubic meter for the last week of April.

It is supposed

that since May, rates of accumulation will significantly grow — Ukraine contracted previously for May 0,7−0,84 billion cubic meter of gas from Europe. Besides, in May in Ukraine traditionally starts a season of accumulation of gas to the next heating season. If the government is guided approximately by the same indicators with which Ukraine was included in last heating season, for the following of 5,5 months it should download about 6,5−7 billion cubic meter in UGS.

In the Ukrgazdobycha company (gets approximately ¾ the Ukrainian gas) at the end of April there passed searches. " Searches are carried out by representatives of Security Service of Ukraine under the resolution of the investigative judge of the Shevchenkovsky area Kiev about withdrawal of the computer equipment at heads of the company and servers. Representatives of Security Service of Ukraine motivate searches allegedly with illegal use of the software which the company officially and legally bought through Prozorro's system [electronic system of — the Edition] " — it is spoken in the message of the press service of the company. It any more the first searches in the company this year. In February of Security Service of Ukraine conducted investigation on the case of the contract not "Ukrgazdobyche's" granting of safety the private companies for the sum of 95 million UAH (the Ukrainian legislation forbids protection of the state companies by private security structures). This time use on computers of the company of the Stakhanovets program — a monitoring complex for tracking of overall performance of the personnel became the reason of a search. Security Service of Ukraine had suspicions that the developer of the program could provide information to the Russian intelligence services.

For improvement of control of consumption of natural gas in Ukraine are going to create uniform base of subscribers. It provides the bill which is already under consideration in parliament. Works on creation of base will be assigned to regional gases which should collect primary information and regularly to update it. For non-performance of these actions by the law penalties of 4,8−8 million UAH


the Cost of natural gas for consumers with all expenses are provided can grow in 2017 to 9 thousand UAH for one thousand cubic meter, and in the 2018th — to 11 thousand UAH, warn in National bank Ukraine. Growth of a tariff will be influenced by two major factors: hryvnia exchange rate (it is supposed that in 2018 it will fall to 30 UAH/dollars), and also growth of cost of the gas. It is known that it reacts to fluctuation in prices of oil with a log of 9 months, i.e. by the end of summer on the cost of gas will start having impact of price of oil of the end of 2016. It is known that then there was their strengthening and stabilization in the area 50%2B dollars/barrel.

there is also the third reason, in National bank Ukraine about it could not suspect. In PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" count that the average export price of the Russian gas in the European market this year will grow to 180−190 dollars/one thousand of cubic meter (167 dollars in 2016). Considering that the European companies resell to Ukraine the Russian gas, it will affect its cost for Ukraine even in case the currency devaluates not so strongly as expect in National bank Ukraine.

Company "National joint-stock company "Naftogaz Ukraine"" (key player of the Ukrainian power: oil production and natural gas, supply of gas to industrial consumers and the population) began the auction for transit of the Russian gas. So possibly it is necessary to regard one of the last statements of the commercial director of the Vitrenko Youri : " C of 2020 tariffs [on pumping of the Russian gas on GTS Ukraine — the Edition] will decrease approximately to the tenth part from the operating. And it will make transit by the Ukrainian gas transmission system much cheaper, than on "Nord Stream-2 " — quotes the official of website "Deutsche Welle". It is quite probable that the incorrect translation or incorrect transfer of words took place — hardly in the company really are going to reduce tariffs by 10 times. Vitrenko Youri specified also that they will be ready to make concessions in the presence of guarantees of annual transit through Ukraine 110 billion cubic meter (82 billion cubic meter in 2016).

the Businessman Konstantin Ivanovich Grigorishin in interview to "Energoreform's" portal commented on plans of Government of Ukraine concerning providing with gas of own production: " to increase gas production in Ukraine by 10 billion (CBM) and to become the sufficient country, it is necessary to drill 500 wells. The cost of drilling of one well — about 3 million dollars. I think that it is possible to make cheaper — for 2 million dollars … So to come to 30 billion cubic meters (production in a year) it is possible for 3−4 ". At the same time, it is sure that in Ukraine among the businessmen approached to the power and even in "National joint-stock company "Naftogaz Ukraine"" the lobby to which it is unprofitable is strong as both those and other works in years learned to earn on import and are not interested anything to change. " … But to whom it is necessary? The import parity is necessary to us, we should import gas. Then it is possible to tell that we have a price — "Baumgarten%2v", "Rotterdam%2v" [formulas of the price of the energy resources considering quotations at the relevant power exchanges Europe plus delivery — the Edition] . If earlier corruption was on gas sale, and it could be solved by adjustment of the account, now — on ".

the Electric power

According to information published on the Uniform state portal of open data, stocks of coal as of April 29 made 1,965 million tons, from which 1,572 million tons — coals of gas brands and 393 thousand tons — anthracite. Thus, tendencies remain: Ukraine increases stocks of coals of gas brands, anthracite stocks gradually decrease in view of blockade Donets Basin. From April 24 to April 29 stocks of anthracite decreased by 20 thousand tons, gas coals — grew by 53 thousand tons.

In a power supply system Ukraine as of May 1 during passing of daily peaks worked with

blocks of thermal power plant with a general power of 2577 MWt (about 18,2% of the general power of the Ukrainian thermal generation).

Ukraine kept the promise — on April 25 supply of electricity in Luhansk People's Republic was stopped. Foreign experts, the edition refers to whose opinion "the" claim that similar actions can affect objects of infrastructure extremely negatively: " … on a water intake in Popasna which supplies inhabitants on both sides of the differentiation line, and one of the largest thermal power plants of the country — Lugansk, in Schastia ". Let's remind that Lugansk thermal power plant — the last from working thermal power plants Ukraine on anthracite, the others stopped 2 and more than weeks ago.

the Minister of Energy Igor Stepanovich Nasalik claims that lack of payment for the electric power for the last 2 months became the reason of shutdown: " If will pass payments and the debt will be satisfied, we will resume delivery of the electric power " — the portal "112 quotes the official. Ukraine". Blackout to only one republic is caused by that the balance of overflows between Donetsk People's Republic and Ukraine differs. If to trust the minister, consumption of Luhansk People's Republic — 4,5 million kW • h per day (6 million UAH). At Donetsk People's Republic — is tens times less therefore threat of its shutdown yet does not cost.

Now the territory of the republic is supplied with the electric power from outside Russian Federation.

Some blocks of the Ukrainian thermal power plants nevertheless will be transferred to

to coal of gas group. According to the general director of DTEK Power power holding Timchenko Maxime , such modernization will be carried out on the Dnieper and Krivorozhsky thermal power plant. " We now build all ideology of business on increase in production of brand "G" to replace the anthracite lost on Donets Basin " — he told in interview to the Economic Truth edition. Timchenko Maxime specified that the Dnieper thermal power plant (1765 MWt of rated capacity) completely will pass over time to coal of gas group, however prior to the beginning of a new heating season will manage to upgrade only 2 power units on 150 MWt. Concerning Krivorozhsky thermal power plant (rated capacity of 2892 MWt) the decision is not made yet: " … this summer we will make the decision on that, how many it will cost. The director of station suggests to transfer a station half to brand "G", and to leave a half on anthracite ". For the company it means not only expenses on re-equipment of stations, but also increase in investments into coal mining that is much more essential.

the State thermal power plants also pass

to gas coal, though not such rates. In the next 3−4 months, by words Igor Stepanovich Nasalik, the 4th power unit of Tripolsky TES.<"131>" will be upgraded by

of Everything, according to the prime minister Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman at government meeting, Ukraine is going to save nearly 3,9 million tons of anthracite a year.

of It are going to reach different ways:

— the translation of power units No. 2 and No. 5 of Zmiyevsky thermal power plant (Kharkiv Region) will give economy of 1 million tons per year


— the others is planned to save optimization of distribution of the electric power made by the nuclear power plant: line "Rovno Nuclear Power Plant — Kiev" (economy of 1,44 million tons of coal), line "Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant — Kakhovskaya" (economy of 0,75 million tons of coal). 0,7 million more tons reorganization of capacities will allow to save Open joint-stock company "Dnestrovskaya GAES".

" It not new projects — were explained on air of radio radio "Golos Stolitsy" by the member of the Supervisory board of Institute of power strategy Korolchuk Youri . — They were conceived by and under them funds were allocated at the time of the previous president Viktor Yanukovych. They allow … not to unload capacities, and to give opportunity of the nuclear power plant to increase electricity generation, that is to release the so-called closed capacities and to deliver this electric power to Central Region, to Kiev, and also on the South. But it is necessary to understand that it does not solve a problem which arises with lack of maneuverable capacities. These two projects promote optimum work, more effective work of the nuclear power plant — Rovno and Zaporozhye simply rather. Rather Dniester hydroheat-sink power plant, in principle, this quite perspective and one of the most interesting directions in power Ukraine. Because it would promote increase in a scarce share in maneuverable capacities. But it is very expensive projects. I think that at best we will see realization already closer by 2020. It on condition of financing ".

As are approved by the head of the Ministry of Energy, even when on the Ukrainian thermal power plants delivery of import coal will be arranged, it all the same will not rescue Lugansk thermal power plant from a stop: " … We cannot put even from ports because there is no logistics. The Lugansk thermal power plant is constructed in such a way that on it we can deliver (coal) or from the uncontrollable territory, or from the Ukrainian mine which is located in the territory Russian Federation. There is a logistics, another is not present. If this issue is not resolved, it will be particularly acute very much. Can be such that we will stop "Luganka " — he declared to journalists after government meeting on April 26.


One of the Tsentrenergo companies (on delivery of 0,7 million tons of anthracite) the Saknakhshiri company entering into Georgian Industrial Group holding (belongs to Bezhuashvili Davide , to the brother Bezhuashvili Gela , the former Minister of Defence won Georgia at the time of presidency Mikheil Saakashvili ). The sum of the contract will make about 1,808 billion UAH — about 97 dollars/ton.

the Company delivered earlier the Georgian coal to Armenia and Bulgaria, however to Georgia anthracite — only gas and being coked coals is not extracted. In other words, 700 thousand tons somewhere is necessary to the company in the beginning these to buy. Most likely, the company of the brother of the colleague Mikheil Saakashvili becomes the first who will try to organize the scheme of "a coal reverse", i.e. delivery to Ukraine coal from Donets Basin. To it points, in particular, the cost of ton of coal: earlier the management of the Ukrainian thermal power plants declared that the approximate cost of the African anthracite today — 110−115 dollars/ton. If the Georgian company delivers for 97 dollars — means, counts on very short transport shoulder. There is one option where it can find the coal meeting all conditions — the Donetsk coal basin located in the territory Ukraine and Russian Federation. " According to available information, a piece of coal for this sdelochka still with a month ago delivered to Riga from Russian Federation, and there — from Donetsk and County of Luhansk " — the editor of the Odessa Timer Internet edition Tkachev Youri writes to the Sotsialnaya set Facebook. .

According to Gosstat's data, blockade led Donets Basin. In March of this year it made 2,85 million tons that is 37,7% less, than in March, 2016.

" the Ministry [power engineering specialists] held recently meeting. To us and the Black Sea seaport the task to be ready to transfer until the end of the year about 4,8 million tons of import coals was set. We are ready " — in interview to the Modern times edition the acting director of sea trade port Youzhny Zhukovsky Vitaly shared such information. Readiness of the management — it is good, however still never before ports Ukraine worked with such volumes.


the Economic Truth Edition pays attention to promising undertaking of the Ministry of Energy. Some time ago the ministry became the founder of "The Ukrainian fuel and energy company" — completely government institution. Until recently this company existed only on paper, without assets. However authors of a material knew that under its control can soon pass the Odessa oil refinery and BRSM gas Station network (166 gas stations). The owner of plant the odious businessman Kurchenko Sergei (though hearings went that it only covers participation someone from an environment Viktor Yanukovych) is considered, BRSM — the minister Stavitsky Edouard (the colleague Viktor Yanukovych across Donetsk) from the government Nicholas Yanovich Azarov .

try to Select business at Stavitsky Edouard for a long time — in BRSM periodically pass searches, work of the company is complicated. The Odessa oil refinery at all under arrest since 2014, and at the end of April practically all its management or was arrested within case of re-export of 700 thousand tons of light oil products (according to accusers, losses of the budget exceeded 2 billion UAH), or is wanted. Gandzyuk Nicholas (it and his brother took part in business projects of the head of the Ministry of Energy in the 90th years) became the head of UTEK of .

If the Ministry of Energy will be possible to select gas stations at the colleague Viktor Yanukovych, Igor Stepanovich Nasalik it is necessary to resolve only an issue with loading of the Odessa oil refinery by oil — not too complex challenge for the Minister of Energy. Considering level at which all this occurs, the project is obviously supervised by the top management Ukraine.

Heating and

In "Kiyevenergo" (the company supplier of electricity, hot water and heat in the capital Ukraine) state

come nearer to a new boundary: 5 billion UAH (2,8 billion UAH for April 1, 2016).

B "National joint-stock company "Naftogaz Ukraine"" where only Ukraine can operate with statistics in scales, are stated by serious falling of payment of the population and the municipal enterprises for . According to the report, in 2016 the average level of calculations fell to 69% (93% in 2015). I.e. 3 of 10 consumers do not pay to suppliers of .

Previous review of power:

Kiev "fined" PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" $6,5 billion, and what further? — latest news of power Ukraine from 19 till April 26, 2017

Other reviews in April:

"the ministry of confiscation of coal" appeared

In Ukraine: latest news of power Ukraine from 11 till April 18, 2017

"State Department, throw to a piece of coal! ": latest news of power Ukraine from 3 till April 10, 2017

Reviews of power Ukraine in March:

Ukraine will make the test range for Elon Musk: latest news of power Ukraine from March 27 till April 3, 2017

B "National joint-stock company "Naftogaz Ukraine"" prepare for bankruptcy and property sale for debts: latest news of power Ukraine from 20 till March 26, 2017

the Solution of problems is found by

Kiev includes from March 11 to March 18, 2017 coal "reverse" — about Donets Basin through Europe: The review of the main events of the Ukrainian power from March 4 to March 11, 2017

Reviews of power Ukraine in February:

to "It will be necessary for

": The review of the main events of the Ukrainian power from February 23 to March 3, 2017


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I rolling blackouts of electricity again approach: the review of the main events of the Ukrainian power from February 2 to February 10, 2017

Reviews of power Ukraine in January:

Guard, to us not to live without Donetsk coal! — Review of the main events of the Ukrainian power from January 25 to February 2, 2017

Mikheil Saakashvili
Last position: Head of Executive committee (National Reform Council at President of Ukraine)
Elon Musk
Last position: CEO, chief engineer (SpaceX)
Sergei Kurchenko
Last position: Owner (Garage cooperative "Gaz Ukraine")
Konstantin Ivanovich Grigorishin
Last position: Co-owner (LLC "Sportivny Standart")
PJSC Gazprom
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Main activity:Finance
HAK "Naftogaz Ukrainy"
Main activity:Production of coke, oil products and nuclear materials