The question of nuclear power plant construction to South Africa is not solved yet finally

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The issue of nuclear power plant construction in the Republic of South Africa is not resolved yet finally
Ministry power engineering specialistsSouth Africa can protest the decision of High court on agreement cancellation with State corporation "Rosatom" about nuclear power plant construction in the country, the Minister of Energy Mmamoloko Kubayi within performance
It declared emphasized that the government considers opportunity to protest a judgment.

According to the agreement, is a question not only of construction of nuclear power plants, but also of strategic partnership on development of nuclear branch. In particular, construction of the multi-purpose research reactor, training of experts and nuclear medicine.

opposed the agreement a powerful lobby of opposition and ecologists it was not pleasant to whom that the government allegedly did not begin to hold any . The Ministry of Energy and State corporation "Rosatom" disproved this statement, report mass media.