Rearguard actions Recep Erdogan

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details of a recent air raid of the Turkish Air Force on a position of the Syrian Kurds near Deric, and also blow to Shangal where Kurdish Yazidi (Iraq Province of Kurdistan) live mainly Become

known. First of all this action caused negative reaction to United States of America where declared inconsistency of actions Ankara with Washington D.C.. "Air blows were not coordinated with the coalition and led to innocent victims among our allies on fight against IGIL (the organization which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation)" — the press secretary declared State department of the United States of America Mark Toner. "In conditions when war with terror in Iraq and Syrie is still far from end, such actions unambiguously do not promote consolidation of anti-terrorist efforts, heat and without that an intense situation" — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation supported the American colleagues.

the Result became that, reports newspaper "The Washington Post" that United States of America threw armored troop-carriers which started patrol in a zone of the Syrian-Turkish border. The group of national self-defense joined them Syrie (YPG). On some video records which have been posted online, it is visible as Kurds welcome passing cars with the American flags. In reply to the Syrian border the Turkish armies started being tightened. Thus, the Turkish Turetskoye izdaniye Hurriyet writes, military posts of the Turkish army to Province of Hatay in the south were fired from mortars from the adjacent Syrian territory that in Ankara perceive as a hint that operations can be transferred from Syrie and to Turkey. So, for the first time in the contemporary history the non-standard situation of military opposition between two allies on NATO — Washington D.C. and Ankara which once again highlighted multiple layers of the Syrian conflict was designated, to put it mildly.

But why Turkey decided to work quite so and right now? And what occurs behind the scenes? After recent rocket attack of Americans on the Syrian air base President of Turkey Recep Erdogan was sure that United States of America will begin military invasion into Syrie. Recep Erdogan right there urged to move away from Damascus and the Syrian president Bashar Assad, having declared readiness to take part in similar operation. In turn the Minister of Foreign Affairs Turkey Mevlyut Chavushoglu urged to create to Syrie a transitional government. However Washington D.C. replaced accents a little. Americans were let to philosophize, arguing that there is such "future Syrie without Bashar Assad".

Ankara began to vent spleen as a result upon Moscow. Recep Erdogan made a course on the verge of provocation, having retold allegedly details of telephone conversation with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin that in big-time politics cannot be done. In interview to agency of information agency "Reuters" President of Turkey attributed to the Russian colleague such opinion on the Syrian president: "Recep Erdogan, do not misunderstand me. I am not a defender Bashar Assad, I am not his lawyer". According to the Turkish leader, it as if "testifies to mitigation of a position Moscow in relation to the Syrian crisis". Russian Federation was compelled to act with a denial. And it created already at Ankara suspicion — suddenly Americans and Russians could agree upon certain problems, and with the Syrian question not everything is so unambiguous.

Turkey does to

Turkey which supervises Washington D.C., the offer to make an air raid on the Syrian and Iraq Kurds. But United States of America refused to authorize this operation. And then Turks after all realized it, than provoked the Turkish-American military opposition on border Turkey with Syrie. After that Recep Erdogan tells about "serious chagrin" its governments to that the American military act together with paramilitary groups of the Syrian Kurds. After all Ankara considers them "terrorist". Recep Erdogan demands: "It needs to be stopped right now. Otherwise it will be and is farther a source of alarms in the region and for us. It will disturb also us, as two members of NATO and strategic partners". The president warns that Ankara at any time can strike new blow to positions of Groups of national self-defense Syrie, "we can unexpectedly come, at night, we will not inform terrorist groups on the plans, the Turkish armed forces can appear at any time".

That is, Turkey showed to Washington D.C. the defiant ultimatum: "You with us or with Kurds? " Also received the answer. Now Recep Erdogan explains that during a meeting coming on May 16 with President of the United States of America Donald Trump he "will try to change his views of support of Kurds". However, in our opinion, nothing will come of it, as the Turkish diplomacy removes a problem of fight against IGIL for brackets (the organization which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) and elimination from the power of the president Bashar Assad, exposing forward the Syrian Kurds whom Americans consider as the effective ally in fight against dzhikhadist. The next foreign policy miscalculation Ankara in forming of strategy of joint actions with administration Donald Trump from which Turks for some reason waited that the White house will change the policy in the region and will correct a "wrong" course Barack Obama.

Turkey understands that the rate of Washington D.C. on the Syrian Kurds can lead in the long term to emergence to Syrie the Kurdish autonomy, and Kurds become a basic reference point in the region for Americans, forcing out Turks on the second plan. And then the Turkic regional belt will cut the Kurdish wedge that will essentially change a geopolitical situation in Near East and is capable to lead to fragmentation most Turkey, to its disintegration on some quasi-states. If really plans of United States of America are calculated on it, it is worth reflecting not only Ankara, but also to Tehran. As for Moscow, she should count carefully options of actions not only in Near East, but also in South Caucasus. Recep Erdogan drove into a corner: problems from United States of America, EU, regional powers (Iran and Syrie). How it will leave traps?

So can hardly be expected soon strategic changes. Even after the meeting planned for May 3 Recep Erdogan with the president Vladimir Putin to Sochi. In any case present joint Turkish-Azerbaijani tactical doctrines of armed forces, as if podverstanny under the Sochi summit, have not only the "Armenian" focus. Professor of the Istanbul university Mitat Chelikpala frankly hints at it. In interview to the Baku portal of Haggin. he says az that "strengthening of military communications between Azerbaidjan and Turkey will provide to both countries big flexibility of actions in the region". Because fight Turkey with Kurdish "terrorists" instead of fight against IGIL (the organization, which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) causes special concern.

Recep Erdogan
Last position: President of the Republic of Turkey (President of Turkey)
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Bashar Assad
Last position: President of the Syrian Arab Republic (President Syrie)
Mevlyut Çavuşoğlu
Main activity:Politician