The team "Gazprom-Rusvelo" called structure on a cycle multi-day race "Dzhiro of d' Italy"

@RT na russkom
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the Russian team "Gazprom-Rusvelo" sounded structure for participation in a prestigious cycle multi-day race "Dzhiro d’ Italy" which in 2017 will pass by 100 times.
the team reported

About it on the official page in Sotsialnaya set Facebook.

a part of a Russian team were Foliforov Alexander, Firsanov Sergei, Savitsky Yvan, Lagutin Sergei, Brutt Pawel, Evgeny of rascals, Rovny Yvan, Tsatevich Aleksey and Kozonchuk Dimitri.

the General manager of the team Khamidulin Renat declared that leaders of team will be Foliforov Alexander, Firsanov Sergei and Savitsky Yvan. The manager called team very balanced, capable it is equally good to act as in races with any relief. And also promised to surpass achievements of last season.

B 2016 the team "Gazprom-Rusvelo" took the 15th place from 22 teams in the race "Dzhiro D' Italy". Firsanov Sergei, taken the 30th place became the best racer of a Russian team in general offset.

Anniversary, 100th race of a cycle multi-day race "Dzhiro of d' Italy" will pass

from May 5 to May 28.


Earlier it was reported that the American bicycle racer died after falling at the stage "Tura Are Sickly".

Foliforov Alexander
Firsanov Sergei
Savitsky Yvan
Lagutin Sergei